Isabella's first Christmas was a success. She was very uninterested in opening presents. She took two books out of her stocking, and could care less about the rest! Jeff and I ended up opening her gifts. She seemed a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing. She would get interested in one present, give it a kiss, or hug it, and then be done. Haha
We had a great dinner with family and friends, good shopping over the weekend, and the decorations are down already. For some reason this year, I just wanted the house to go back to normal ASAP.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas!
Happy New Year!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
It's Been Awhile
Things have been pretty crazy around here, so I haven't been posting as much as I used to. The holidays add to the craziness, as much as I love them.
Since then, we've been getting into the Christmas spirit. Jeff and Travis decorated the outside of our house. Lights nor adorn both sets of trees, the roof of the house, and the roof of the garage. We also have a set of candy cane walkway lights.
Thanksgiving was wonderful. My oldest friend, Marc, his wife and their 4 month old drove from San Diego to here for Thanksgiving. Christina and I wanted the kids to share their first Thanksgiving together.
Isabella fluctuated between being bored with baby Derek because he isn't at the point of mobility yet, and being obsessed with him. It was pretty cute.
While they were here, we took them to our zoo. That was a lot of fun. We haven't been back to the zoo (other than for Howloween) since Isabella was so tiny she slept through it. She really enjoyed it this time, especially the giraffes. Daddy tried to take our picture but she was so into the giraffes that she wouldn't even look at him. LOL
We've got the tree up and decorated, taken our family photo and mailed out Christmas cards, bought, wrapped and have presents ready to be shipped. Busy, busy, busy.
At the moment, Isabella seems oblivious to it all. She doesn't seem all that interested in the Christmas tree at all. So far, the only one intent on destroying the tree is Gully.
Jeff is still looking for a job that pays what we need. My dad isn't here anymore; he went back to San Diego almost a month ago.
We're excited for Christmas to be here, and then we have Isabella's 1st birthday party!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Isabella does NOT like Santa. LOL
We took Isabella to the mall last night to see Santa and get her picture taken. I walked up to Santa, holding Isabella, and she seemed fine. She "shook" his hand and didn't freak out, so I put her on his lap. The moment she felt my arms leave her, she was NOT happy! She cried full on. I felt so bad! When I took her back, she CLUNG to me. She wouldn't even let Jeff take her (and I was the one who gave her to Santa!LOL). We tried a second time (there was nobody else there), but she was having none of it.
We got the picture anyway, and it's pretty cute, even though she is crying. But isn't that what most kids do the first time they meet Santa?
We got the picture anyway, and it's pretty cute, even though she is crying. But isn't that what most kids do the first time they meet Santa?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
R.I.P. Sophie
My godmother had to put her 16 year old dog to sleep today. Sophie was a wonderful, loving member of our family, but she was in pain from old age. She couldn't get up off the floor by herself, she slept most of the time, and she was in a lot of pain from arthritis most days. My godmother made the tough, heartrending decision to let her best friend go in peace.

Rest in peace, Sophie. We love you, and we will miss you.

Sunday, November 1, 2009
What a Weekend!
We had an awesome, interesting and, for one moment, terrifying, weekend.
Yesterday was Halloween, and the day of Jeff's physical fitness test for the Correctional Officer Program. He did very well on the test, and goes back on Thursday for the Oral Board. I really hope it goes well, although the academy isn't until April (unlike January, like we thought). He also found a good job posting for a maintenance man that he is going to apply for. We're keeping our fingers crossed for that one because it would be a really great position.
Our Halloween, and Isabella's first, was awesome. We spent some time over at our friends' houses (First Tammie's and then Briana's). That was a lot of fun, and everyone oohed and aahed over Isabella fairy costume. When we got home, my godmother and my friend Mandy came over to hang out, watch movies, eat pizza, and hand out candy. Our friends Jeff and Julie stopped by to see Isabella in her costume, since Julie made the tutu and wings.
My brother got here late last night. He and my dad have moved in with us for the time being. Travis showed up last night in time to eat some pizza and watch a little tv with me while Jeff went to bed. LOL.
Right before he got here was our terrifying moment. Isabella started to choke on a ribbon from her tutu that had fallen off. I froze, we all froze. Luckily, our neighbors were here and they didn't freeze. Mike got it out of her, and everything was fine...if entirely scary.
Isabella had a pretty rough day today. Just generally not feeling great. We skipped church this morning because she was really cranky and just wanted Mommy to hold her. After Travis unloaded the truck, we went to lunch. Sonoran hot dogs are super yummy.
Yesterday was Halloween, and the day of Jeff's physical fitness test for the Correctional Officer Program. He did very well on the test, and goes back on Thursday for the Oral Board. I really hope it goes well, although the academy isn't until April (unlike January, like we thought). He also found a good job posting for a maintenance man that he is going to apply for. We're keeping our fingers crossed for that one because it would be a really great position.
Our Halloween, and Isabella's first, was awesome. We spent some time over at our friends' houses (First Tammie's and then Briana's). That was a lot of fun, and everyone oohed and aahed over Isabella fairy costume. When we got home, my godmother and my friend Mandy came over to hang out, watch movies, eat pizza, and hand out candy. Our friends Jeff and Julie stopped by to see Isabella in her costume, since Julie made the tutu and wings.
My brother got here late last night. He and my dad have moved in with us for the time being. Travis showed up last night in time to eat some pizza and watch a little tv with me while Jeff went to bed. LOL.
Right before he got here was our terrifying moment. Isabella started to choke on a ribbon from her tutu that had fallen off. I froze, we all froze. Luckily, our neighbors were here and they didn't freeze. Mike got it out of her, and everything was fine...if entirely scary.
Isabella had a pretty rough day today. Just generally not feeling great. We skipped church this morning because she was really cranky and just wanted Mommy to hold her. After Travis unloaded the truck, we went to lunch. Sonoran hot dogs are super yummy.
Jeff, Isabella and I then went to our friend Julie's surprise birthday party. It was a lot of fun. Steak, tamales, salad, cake, a bunch of cute three year olds running around, and Julie's look of utter shock when she walked in and we shouted "SURPRISE!" It was a great party.
My dad got here right after we left, so we saw him when we got home. Not that any of us stayed up long. My dad is in bed, Jeff is close to bed, and I am going to get ready as soon as I finish typing this. I guess we're a bunch of old fogeys. LOL.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
The Zoo Boo was a lot of fun! Isabella wasn't scared at all, and they had a lot of cool decorations. The Halloween Howl wasn't as much fun. It was freezing, and there wasn't a lot to
do unless you had kids over the age of 3 or 4. We had some food, hung out with some friends, and packed it and came home.
Tonight will be tons of fun! Later this afternoon, we're going to take Isabella around to some friends'. When we get home, Grandma and my friend Mandy are coming over to hang out, hand out candy, eat some pizza, and watch some movies. Looking forward to it!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
9 months old today!
It's hard to believe that Isabella is 9 months old today! Where did the time go? I feel like it was just yesterday that she was a tiny thing that just slept all the time. :D Now she's a talking, almost walking, into everything, bundle of energy. She is the joy in my life.
She also got her first owie today. Took a header into her toy box. She's just fine; a tiny little scrape above her right eyebrow. It scared her more than anything.
We hung out with Grandma today. Got a lot of Grandma's Christmas shopping done. Isabella is such a good baby when it comes to shopping. She will sit in the cart, play with her toys, smile at everyone and anyone, and hardly ever gets cranky. Even when she misses her nap. We were gone practically all day today, and then I laid her down when we got home. She rolled over and went right to sleep.
Then we went over to our friends' house for dinner. We had yummy homemade macaroni and cheese, and were entertained by the enthusiastic Chloe. A really good all of us needed.
Now Isabella is fast asleep, Jeff is asleep, and I am debating over watching a little tv, playing Bejeweled, or going to bed...
She also got her first owie today. Took a header into her toy box. She's just fine; a tiny little scrape above her right eyebrow. It scared her more than anything.
We hung out with Grandma today. Got a lot of Grandma's Christmas shopping done. Isabella is such a good baby when it comes to shopping. She will sit in the cart, play with her toys, smile at everyone and anyone, and hardly ever gets cranky. Even when she misses her nap. We were gone practically all day today, and then I laid her down when we got home. She rolled over and went right to sleep.
Then we went over to our friends' house for dinner. We had yummy homemade macaroni and cheese, and were entertained by the enthusiastic Chloe. A really good all of us needed.
Now Isabella is fast asleep, Jeff is asleep, and I am debating over watching a little tv, playing Bejeweled, or going to bed...
Monday, October 26, 2009
First Word!
Isabella said her first clear word this weekend! And the winner is: MAMA!! That's right: Isabella says Mama. A lot. Haha. I think Jeff might be a tiny bit jealous, but we are both so excited that she said her first word. And she occassionally says it in my direction, as if she knows I am mama. 4 days short of her 9 month birthday, she speaks. LOL.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
What a Week!!!!!!
Wow...I think this past week has literally been the worst week I can remember in a very long time. It started last Sunday night. After the great day at the pumpkin patch, Isabella bonked her head on the coffee table. Luckily she was fine. She had developed a cough over the preceding few days and Sunday night she coughed so badly that she ended up throwing up quite a bit. We couldn't get ahold of her pediatrician, so we went to the ER. 4 excruciating hours and one nasty nurse later, we were sent home after being told she has a cold and to follow up with her doctor. So, we all got to go to bed at 2:30 am Monday morning.
Aside from being tired, I felt fine all of Monday, while Jeff felt like he was coming down with a cold. All that changed Monday night. I woke up in the middle of the night and spent the next 6 hours sick to my stomach. It was horrible. I thought morning sickness had been bad!
I basically slept all of Tuesday while Jeff took care of Isabella. He had to take her to her doctor's appointment (follow up to the ER). Her doctor said she was fine, she just had a touch of a cold. I, on the other hand, felt like I had been run over by a semi, repeatedly.
Wednesday I felt a bit better, but Jeff felt awful. Horrible cough and sore throat. So he spent most of Wednesday and Thursday in bed. Isabella seemed better. And then Thursday evening she coughed so hard she threw up again, so her pediatrician asked us to bring her in. And hour and a half of waiting in the exam room later, she tells us it's a cold and she got in a new tooth (now she has 4 on the bottom) so the combination of mucus and excess saliva made her vomit. It's normal. Thanks for making me wait so long to hear that. Sheesh.
All of felt better yesterday. And Jeff actually got a part time job doing labor yesterday! Yeah!! It's better than having no money for the next 2 weeks. This whole unemployment thing is really taking a toll.
Aside from being tired, I felt fine all of Monday, while Jeff felt like he was coming down with a cold. All that changed Monday night. I woke up in the middle of the night and spent the next 6 hours sick to my stomach. It was horrible. I thought morning sickness had been bad!
I basically slept all of Tuesday while Jeff took care of Isabella. He had to take her to her doctor's appointment (follow up to the ER). Her doctor said she was fine, she just had a touch of a cold. I, on the other hand, felt like I had been run over by a semi, repeatedly.
Wednesday I felt a bit better, but Jeff felt awful. Horrible cough and sore throat. So he spent most of Wednesday and Thursday in bed. Isabella seemed better. And then Thursday evening she coughed so hard she threw up again, so her pediatrician asked us to bring her in. And hour and a half of waiting in the exam room later, she tells us it's a cold and she got in a new tooth (now she has 4 on the bottom) so the combination of mucus and excess saliva made her vomit. It's normal. Thanks for making me wait so long to hear that. Sheesh.
All of felt better yesterday. And Jeff actually got a part time job doing labor yesterday! Yeah!! It's better than having no money for the next 2 weeks. This whole unemployment thing is really taking a toll.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
We took Isabella to the pumpkin patch las
t Sunday with our friend Mandy. It was a lot of fun. We had good food, and got to take a tractor-pulled wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch to pick our own pumpkins. I don't think I've ever done that before. It was interesting and a lot of fun. Next time, we'll bring gloves. LOL. Jeff also picked us some gourds to use as a Fall centerpiece. Yeah for Fall!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Isabella is a wonder
Isabella continues to amaze me every day. She mastered crawling like a pro, started pulling up to her feet in her crib the day before she turned 8 months, and last night she pulled up on the chair I was sitting in. She was so proud of herself! I love the laugh she has when she has accomplished something. It's the most adorable little giggle.
We put a bumper around the coffee table the other night in anticipation of her being able to pull up on it and cruise. I guess we were just in time! LOL
She also got another tooth in last Thursday. It is on the bottom right next to the two middle teeth she already had. Still no sign of the top middle teeth, though. There might be one coming in on the top left, over to the side. It's hard for me to tell because 1. it doesn't look like what the others looked like when they came in (i.e. invisible until they popped through the gum. haha) and 2. she won't let me look for very long. Stubborn little thing is my baby.
Stay tuned to see what she does next. :D
We put a bumper around the coffee table the other night in anticipation of her being able to pull up on it and cruise. I guess we were just in time! LOL
She also got another tooth in last Thursday. It is on the bottom right next to the two middle teeth she already had. Still no sign of the top middle teeth, though. There might be one coming in on the top left, over to the side. It's hard for me to tell because 1. it doesn't look like what the others looked like when they came in (i.e. invisible until they popped through the gum. haha) and 2. she won't let me look for very long. Stubborn little thing is my baby.
Stay tuned to see what she does next. :D
Friday, October 2, 2009
What a Week!!!
This has been a very...wierd, eventful week. It started out pretty well. Monday was just a normal day; nothing special happened. Tuesday, Isabella turned 8 months old. We went to the mall with Mandy, and I thought it was just a normal day. And then BAM! I get home, and find our Jeff has been laid off. Yeah, you read that correctly: Jeff got laid off. WTF?! So, he's pretty much spent the rest of the week applying for unemployment and updating his resume, etc.
Yesterday was my birthday. It didn't seem as special this year. Stress from the newly unemployed region sort of over shadowed the whole day. I got lectured to by a loving aunt, who was trying to help but come on, it was my birthday!! Then my friend Mandy came over, and things started to look better. She brought me my birthday gift, stayed for a little while. Brightened my day, thank you. :D When Jeff got home, he brought me roses. Seriously, people, they are the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. A bouquet of white and red roses. GORGEOUS. My godmother came over for dinner. Jeff bbq'd steak (amazing), made this potato dish that is scrumptious, shrimp cocktail. Mmmmmm. And then, he put a match in a Fudgesicle and sang Happy Birthday to me. How cute is THAT?!
Today is not a great day. I had a mini meltdown over changing the sheet for Isabella's crib. Seriously, why does that have to be so hard to do?!!!!! Anyway. I guess it just really hit me this morning that Jeff doesn't have a job anymore. I have faith in him that he will find something, but the interim is making me incredibly stressed out. And I know he is stressed out, so I am either internalizing all of my stress to keep it from him, or letting it all out on here. *Sigh*
Bright spot: we are having my bday party tomorrow. Lots of friends, ribs, bratwurst, cake. Mmmm, ice cream cake. mmmmmm
Yesterday was my birthday. It didn't seem as special this year. Stress from the newly unemployed region sort of over shadowed the whole day. I got lectured to by a loving aunt, who was trying to help but come on, it was my birthday!! Then my friend Mandy came over, and things started to look better. She brought me my birthday gift, stayed for a little while. Brightened my day, thank you. :D When Jeff got home, he brought me roses. Seriously, people, they are the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. A bouquet of white and red roses. GORGEOUS. My godmother came over for dinner. Jeff bbq'd steak (amazing), made this potato dish that is scrumptious, shrimp cocktail. Mmmmmm. And then, he put a match in a Fudgesicle and sang Happy Birthday to me. How cute is THAT?!
Today is not a great day. I had a mini meltdown over changing the sheet for Isabella's crib. Seriously, why does that have to be so hard to do?!!!!! Anyway. I guess it just really hit me this morning that Jeff doesn't have a job anymore. I have faith in him that he will find something, but the interim is making me incredibly stressed out. And I know he is stressed out, so I am either internalizing all of my stress to keep it from him, or letting it all out on here. *Sigh*
Bright spot: we are having my bday party tomorrow. Lots of friends, ribs, bratwurst, cake. Mmmm, ice cream cake. mmmmmm
Monday, September 28, 2009
She Did It!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Week Update
Wow, I hadn't realized that I hadn't written anything in a week. Oops. LOL

Last Saturday, we took Isabella to her first concert. A bunch of country singers, down at the fairgrounds a few miles from our house. She did really well. Played on a blanket, felt grass on her feet for the first time, danced with Mommy. She even fell asleep for a little while!
She's also pulling up in her crib these days. Jeff lowered her mattress so she can't pull up too far. She wasn't overly happy about that little manuever. She pulled up to her knees on one of her toys the other day, and fell backwards. She wasn't hurt, but she was MAD. Baby has Daddy's temper. Haha.
She likes to crawl around the whole house now, so I guess we're finally going to have to install that second baby gate. Add it to the list of weekend chores.
We're been dealing with car issues for over a week now. The stress of that is most likely why I have not been writing. Just too annoyed and stressed.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
And the fun really begins
We installed our first baby gate yesterday. Isabella is definitely mobile nowadays. She goes forward, backward, sideways, whether it be scooting, crawling, or the army crawl (which is the cutest darn thing!). She is fascinated by the baby gate. It's funny. I guess we're going to have to baby-proof the rest of the house now, too.
She's so cute when she gets to where she wants to go. She will look up at me as if to say "See, Mommy, I did it! Are you watching?!" It's quite adorable.
Pulling up is next!!
She is getting too big too fast for Mommy. Haha
She's so cute when she gets to where she wants to go. She will look up at me as if to say "See, Mommy, I did it! Are you watching?!" It's quite adorable.
Pulling up is next!!
She is getting too big too fast for Mommy. Haha
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ladies' Night Out & Crappy/Fantastic Day
I went to Olive Garden with Mandy, Aunt D, and some of the ladies from church tonight. It was so much fun. They are mostly all old enough to be my mother, but what a riot they are! I debated on going; I have hardly gone out since having Isabella. But I figured Jeff gets his occassional poker night, so I was going to take this opportunity. I didn't even call/text home to see how it was going. I am very proud of myself. Olive Garden is one of my favorite restaurants. Stuffed chicken marsala. MMMMMMMM.
The day started out pretty crappy. Isabella spit up formula out of her nose...twice. It took her doctor three hours to call me back, and then he was kind of a jerk. I was thinking before of changing pediatricians; now I know we definitely are going to do so. I don't need to be told I am doing a bad job raising my baby.
Isabella made the day all better because she CRAWLED to me!!!! A few feet...forward. Up until this point, she has been crawling or scooting backwards. It made my day!!
The day started out pretty crappy. Isabella spit up formula out of her nose...twice. It took her doctor three hours to call me back, and then he was kind of a jerk. I was thinking before of changing pediatricians; now I know we definitely are going to do so. I don't need to be told I am doing a bad job raising my baby.
Isabella made the day all better because she CRAWLED to me!!!! A few feet...forward. Up until this point, she has been crawling or scooting backwards. It made my day!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Yummy Sushi!!
Last night was a lot of fun. I haven't had sushi since before I was pregnant with Bella, and we haven't ever gone to a place here in Tucson. Last night we went to Oishi with Jeff & Julie, J.D., Tara & Eric, and Steve. From the outside you might think this place was somewhat of a dive, but let me tell you, the sushi is amazing!! Spicy dragon roll, spicy tuna roll with crunch, and the philadelphia roll. Soooooo yummy. Friends doing sake bombs, spilling beer on the table, JD taking funny pictures, our friend Jeff already intoxicating and making funny comments. Julie talking too loudly because two sake bombs in she was DONE. Hilarious night out. Made a lot of the stress of the past few weeks seep away.
Jeff and I watched a movie when we got home. Just relaxed and got ready for bed. It was the perfect end to a perfect evening.
I want to go for more sushi!!
Jeff and I watched a movie when we got home. Just relaxed and got ready for bed. It was the perfect end to a perfect evening.
I want to go for more sushi!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sept 11th
I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing this day 8 years ago. I was lying in bed, bundled under the covers, watching the news. I saw the 2nd plane fly into the tower, and I couldn't believe it! I thought it was fake.
The day only got worse. I found out later that one of my friend's dad was working at the Pentagon and they didn't know where he was. His office was on the destroyed side of the building. A few horrifying, long, scary hours later we all found out that he had not been in his office at that time, in fact he wasn't even on that side of the building. Luckily, he had had a meeting on the other side of the building. He was definitely shook up, but fine physically.
Eight years has gone by really fast, and yet it seems to be yesterday every time the anniversary hits. Perhaps because with the war still waging on, it seems neverending.
My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who lost someone on this day, or anyone who knows someone who did. And to John Ritter's family, because he died on Sept 11th a year or two after the horrible tragedy in NY. My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who need them today.
The day only got worse. I found out later that one of my friend's dad was working at the Pentagon and they didn't know where he was. His office was on the destroyed side of the building. A few horrifying, long, scary hours later we all found out that he had not been in his office at that time, in fact he wasn't even on that side of the building. Luckily, he had had a meeting on the other side of the building. He was definitely shook up, but fine physically.
Eight years has gone by really fast, and yet it seems to be yesterday every time the anniversary hits. Perhaps because with the war still waging on, it seems neverending.
My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who lost someone on this day, or anyone who knows someone who did. And to John Ritter's family, because he died on Sept 11th a year or two after the horrible tragedy in NY. My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who need them today.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
September 10th
Today is 4 years since my godmother's mom died. I miss Grandma Yonnie immensely. She was a wonderful grandmother to my two "cousins," and I am sure she would have been just as wonderful with Isabella. My godmother is missing her a lot today, and we are going to go out to lunch and grocery shopping to help take her mind off it for just a little bit. We're going to try out 'Java Edge.' We haven't been there before, but they are supposed to have great sandwhiches.
Later, I'm going with my friend Mandy to her OB appointment. I recommended my OB to her, and she wanted me to go with her today since it is her first appointment. None of my friends have ever asked me to go and hear their baby's heartbeat before. I'm excited. Baby Venable will be here in March. I'm sitting in for Ray today since he won't be back from deployment until November.
We've invited Mandy over for dinner, as well. Chicken piccata and garlic mashed potatoes. It's going to be really yummy.
Later, I'm going with my friend Mandy to her OB appointment. I recommended my OB to her, and she wanted me to go with her today since it is her first appointment. None of my friends have ever asked me to go and hear their baby's heartbeat before. I'm excited. Baby Venable will be here in March. I'm sitting in for Ray today since he won't be back from deployment until November.
We've invited Mandy over for dinner, as well. Chicken piccata and garlic mashed potatoes. It's going to be really yummy.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
We had a wonderful, fun weekend! Saturday was bbq day. A bunch of our friends and their kids and my aunt, enjoying an inside bbq. It started getting really windy just before everyone arrived, so Jeff bbq'd outside and we ate his awesome burgers inside. We keep a banquet table in the garage for just such occassions. The evening ended with the best downpour we have had all summer. It last for well over an hour, just pouring rain and lightning. Amazing.
Sunday morning and afternoon were just relaxing time. Isabella played in the exersaucer or on the floor while Jeff studied one of his Firefighter exam books and I watched Netflix movies online. I love that option! Especially over a long weekend where two of the days are nonmail days.
Sunday evening we picked Jeff's brother Russ up at the truck stop. He was driving a load through Tucson so he spent Sunday evening and all day yesterday with us. We hadn't seen him since our wedding in June 2008, AND he was the first person in Jeff's family to make it out here to see Isabella. He took to her, and her to him, right away. They had a lot of fun together. We took Russ to Guero's for "Sammy Dogs," which are one of Jeff's favorite things. Have you ever had a Sonoran hot dog? Well, these are two Sonoran hotdogs on one bun. They're huge. The guys ate those, I had a regular Sonoran hot dogs. Poor Isabella just got pears out of a Gerber jar. LOL.
Yesterday was pure relaxation. There was a 'Criminal Minds' marathon on A&E. I love that show! We watched it all day long. The guys cooked up some ribs, with an incredibly glaze that Russ made. Russ fell asleep on the couch and Jeff did some more studying. Isabella threw up on me. Apparently that was the highlight of her day because she giggled afterwards. Little devil. Spitting up on someone is funny to her. She always laughs afterwards. I'm just glad she was eating again, after the hectic last week of trying to get her to eat and failing (she's getting two more teeth in, at the same time. Sigh). We had to take Russ back to his truck last night, but we're very glad he could make a visit.
And now, since Jeff had yesterday off, we are in a short work week. Hopefully the weekend will get here soon. We have a fun weekend planned.

isabella wearing Uncle Russ' hat
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The bbq was a HUGE success. Burgers, hot dogs, beans, deviled eggs. Yum yum. Lots of friends, cutest babies EVER. We got some really cute pictures. And, to top it all off, it POURED just after dinner. It was the best rain storm we have had all season. What a nice way to end the summer. Wait, does summer end in Tucson? Just kidding.
Tomorrow, Russ will be here. I'm excited that someone from Jeff's family is finally going to meet Isabella. It's so expensive for us to fly to the East Coast to see anyone. It'll be a nice addition to the Labor Day weekend, since Russ will be here until Tuesday morning.
Tomorrow, Russ will be here. I'm excited that someone from Jeff's family is finally going to meet Isabella. It's so expensive for us to fly to the East Coast to see anyone. It'll be a nice addition to the Labor Day weekend, since Russ will be here until Tuesday morning.
Friday, September 4, 2009
3 Day Weekend
I'm looking forward to the three day weekend this weekend. It's going to be busy, but awesome.
Tomorrow, we're having a huge BBQ at our place. I'm praying for no rain until Sunday. 15 adults and 4 babies will be better served in our backyard than inside our house. LOL. I'm happy so many of the people we invited are coming. Having it on Saturday instead of Labor Day probably helped in that endeavor. Burgers, hot dogs, deviled eggs, salads, beans, pie, cookies. Friends and fun. I'm looking forward to it. I need some fun.
On Sunday, Jeff's brother Russ will be here. He will be the first person in Jeff's family to meet Isabella. I'm ECSTATIC that someone is finally going to meet her! He'll only be here for a few hours, but he rearranged his truck route so he could visit. I thought that was nice and thoughtful of him to make the effort. The probability of us going to NY anytime soon is extremely slim.
Not sure what we're doing on Monday. Hopefully something just the three of us. A little family time will be nice. Soon there will be two more adults in our house, and our little family will be very crowded, so I hope we can get in a lot of family time just the three of us between now and then.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend
Tomorrow, we're having a huge BBQ at our place. I'm praying for no rain until Sunday. 15 adults and 4 babies will be better served in our backyard than inside our house. LOL. I'm happy so many of the people we invited are coming. Having it on Saturday instead of Labor Day probably helped in that endeavor. Burgers, hot dogs, deviled eggs, salads, beans, pie, cookies. Friends and fun. I'm looking forward to it. I need some fun.
On Sunday, Jeff's brother Russ will be here. He will be the first person in Jeff's family to meet Isabella. I'm ECSTATIC that someone is finally going to meet her! He'll only be here for a few hours, but he rearranged his truck route so he could visit. I thought that was nice and thoughtful of him to make the effort. The probability of us going to NY anytime soon is extremely slim.
Not sure what we're doing on Monday. Hopefully something just the three of us. A little family time will be nice. Soon there will be two more adults in our house, and our little family will be very crowded, so I hope we can get in a lot of family time just the three of us between now and then.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
She's Torturing Me!!!
Isabella is so cute and innocent on the outside, that it is hard to believe she is so evil inside. LOL. Just kidding. But she is seriously torturing me, which seems to be her favorite pasttime. I should have seen it coming.
She rolled over at 3 months, and did so about twenty time in two days...but refused to roll over for Daddy or Grandma or Uncle T. She, in fact, didn't roll over again for more than a month. I was beginning to think I had imagined it. But then she finally started doing it all of the time.
About a week and a half ago, she crawled for the first time. I mean, really crawled. Forward. She had been scooting around on her tummy for weeks, and then BAM! she finally got it. She even sat back on her bottom from a crawling position on her own. Jeff actually saw her do this, so I know I didn't imagine it. But she refused to do it in front of anyone else. For the past week and half, it seems like she has been trying to do it again. She gets in the correct position and rocks back and forth. She can more or less crawl backwards. But no forward motion, and no pushing herself into a sitting position. So, now I am beginning to think maybe we had imagined it, or made too much out of it. Something.
And then...yesterday I go in her room to get her up from her afternoon nap. And there is my sweet little devil...sitting up in her crib! I was so proud of her, and she was happy and giggly, and it was a wonderful moment. Thinking we've made progress, I put her on her blanket with some toys...and she throws herself down, gets on all fours...and nope. Rocks back and forth, getting frustrated when she doesn't go anywhere. *Sigh*
Why must she torture me? Why?!
She rolled over at 3 months, and did so about twenty time in two days...but refused to roll over for Daddy or Grandma or Uncle T. She, in fact, didn't roll over again for more than a month. I was beginning to think I had imagined it. But then she finally started doing it all of the time.
About a week and a half ago, she crawled for the first time. I mean, really crawled. Forward. She had been scooting around on her tummy for weeks, and then BAM! she finally got it. She even sat back on her bottom from a crawling position on her own. Jeff actually saw her do this, so I know I didn't imagine it. But she refused to do it in front of anyone else. For the past week and half, it seems like she has been trying to do it again. She gets in the correct position and rocks back and forth. She can more or less crawl backwards. But no forward motion, and no pushing herself into a sitting position. So, now I am beginning to think maybe we had imagined it, or made too much out of it. Something.
And then...yesterday I go in her room to get her up from her afternoon nap. And there is my sweet little devil...sitting up in her crib! I was so proud of her, and she was happy and giggly, and it was a wonderful moment. Thinking we've made progress, I put her on her blanket with some toys...and she throws herself down, gets on all fours...and nope. Rocks back and forth, getting frustrated when she doesn't go anywhere. *Sigh*
Why must she torture me? Why?!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Busy, Busy Week
Technically, every week is a busy week when you have a 7-month-old, but I plan on this being an exceptionally busy week. We started yesterday. We have two months from today to get the house ready for the new arrivals (i.e., my dad and brother). I can't wait until the last minute. I'd rather have it all done early and then not have to worry about it, rather than be rushed. I'm anal like that. LOL.
While Isabella and I were at church yesterday, Jeff got busy. He installed the ceiling fan in Isabella's room. One less thing being stored in the garage. And he moved the filing cabinet for me. Such a nice husband. After lunch, we moved the desk from the den to our bedroom...and then moved it by the entertainment center in the living room...and then moved it to a different corner of the living room. LOL. I hate having it in the living room, but logic prevails on that one. We organized one side of the garage in order to move boxes out there, and it occurred to me: WE HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF!!! But I'm not dealing with that right now. LOL.
I really want to get things organized before this weekend. We're have a Labor Day weekend bbq, with about fifteen friends coming. Things need to be organized. Haha.
Thankfully, none of this seems to be affecting Isabella. I'm a different story. I've already broken out in hives. I am thankfully that we have the space (sort of, haha) for my dad and brother. I can't stand the thought of my dad being homeless (my brother was coming regardless, so no worry there). It's just a lot to take in.
So, I'm off to put Isabella down for her nap, and try to keep off the computer. We'll see how successful I am on the second part of that. :D
While Isabella and I were at church yesterday, Jeff got busy. He installed the ceiling fan in Isabella's room. One less thing being stored in the garage. And he moved the filing cabinet for me. Such a nice husband. After lunch, we moved the desk from the den to our bedroom...and then moved it by the entertainment center in the living room...and then moved it to a different corner of the living room. LOL. I hate having it in the living room, but logic prevails on that one. We organized one side of the garage in order to move boxes out there, and it occurred to me: WE HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF!!! But I'm not dealing with that right now. LOL.
I really want to get things organized before this weekend. We're have a Labor Day weekend bbq, with about fifteen friends coming. Things need to be organized. Haha.
Thankfully, none of this seems to be affecting Isabella. I'm a different story. I've already broken out in hives. I am thankfully that we have the space (sort of, haha) for my dad and brother. I can't stand the thought of my dad being homeless (my brother was coming regardless, so no worry there). It's just a lot to take in.
So, I'm off to put Isabella down for her nap, and try to keep off the computer. We'll see how successful I am on the second part of that. :D
Saturday, August 29, 2009
7 Months Old!
Isabella is 7 months old today! And what a wonderful day she had (and Mommy) thanks to Daddy. Jeff got up this morning, and took her for a walk, and to the park for the first time (okay, I am totally bummed I missed that), and to Grandma's for a visit. Nice Daddy and Bella time. Awwww. I can't believe she is already 7 months old. The time has flown by so quickly!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
We finally found a church to go to yesterday. We went to Life Fellowship Church with my friend Mandy. It's at the elementary school around the corner from us. It was nice. It's very laidback. There are only about 20 members. They have a live band, and everyone was extremely friendly. People kept coming up and commenting on how beautiful Isabella is (which she is. LOL). We're going to go back next with Aunt Debbi, and Briana said she's going to check it out. We might double their membership just by the people we know! LOL
Sunday, August 23, 2009
She's MOBILE!!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
I Hate Mondays
Truly, I do. After a weekend of fun, visiting with my brother, or a weekend of working around the house on projects, the last thing I want to do is spend an entire day cleaning up from the weekend! There always seems to be extra laundry on Mondays. Isabella is crankier on Mondays. The day seems to drag by on Mondays. *Sigh*
At least tomorrow is Tuesday
At least tomorrow is Tuesday
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Uncle T Visit
So, my brother comes to visit once a month. This time, his friend and her mom (on their way home) were nice enough to give him a ride this way. He'll be here until Sunday, when he will fly back home to S.D. :(
I was a little worried Isabella might be a bit "afraid" of him this time. It has been over a month since she saw him, and she has started to go through this "Stranger Danger" phase. But she was THRILLED to see him! She knew who he was instantly, and was pretty glued to him all evening. Bella loves Bubba. :)
She was also attached to my brother's friend, which was nice because she is nice. I had never met her before, but I liked her. It's nice to know my brother has nice friends, and they like Isabella.
So, he's here until Sunday evening, and we have a full weekend planned!! Woo hoo!!!
I was a little worried Isabella might be a bit "afraid" of him this time. It has been over a month since she saw him, and she has started to go through this "Stranger Danger" phase. But she was THRILLED to see him! She knew who he was instantly, and was pretty glued to him all evening. Bella loves Bubba. :)
She was also attached to my brother's friend, which was nice because she is nice. I had never met her before, but I liked her. It's nice to know my brother has nice friends, and they like Isabella.
So, he's here until Sunday evening, and we have a full weekend planned!! Woo hoo!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Isabells has mastered the great art of scooting. Having tile throughout the house really helps her. She scooots herself backwards off of her blanket, and then can pretty much make her way across the living room. She is very proud of herself, and looks up at me to make sure Mommy is paying attention to her new talent. :) She is also getting very good at getting up on her knees and moving back and forth. I imagine crawling is not that far behind. She is getting sooo big!
Monday, August 10, 2009
NO Pictures!
So, Jeff and I thought it would be nice to document Isabella's very first tooth. Apparently, our baby girl had different ideas. She stuck her tongue out, she turned her head into Jeff's shoulder, she contorted herself in every possible position. You would think two parents could get their baby to sit still and cooperate in order to get one non-blurry picture of this little rockhard white thing sticking out of her gum. But no. She refused. She turned, she covered it, she got so mad her face turned red. We gave up. And then she smiled. LOL
Friday, August 7, 2009
Isabella has 2 teeth coming in! One on the bottom that is mostly done, and one on the top that is working its way to the surface. Let the fun begin!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
6 Months
Wow, Isabella is 6 months old today!! Where did that time go? I have no idea. She is the most amazing creature, and only gets more so every day. She surprised us about a week and a half ago by suddenly just sitting up by herself on the floor. Put in that position, she will sit like that for awhile with a toy, before getting bored. She pushes forward, pulls her legs out from under her, and presto!chango! she is on her tummy. Suprisingly, she doesn't hate tummy time anymore.
Eating solids is going well, also. We've had carrots and squash, and we try something new tomorrow.
So, I guess crawling is next at some point. Haha
Eating solids is going well, also. We've had carrots and squash, and we try something new tomorrow.
So, I guess crawling is next at some point. Haha
Friday, July 24, 2009
10 Years
I can hardly believe that today is the 10th anniversary of my mom's death. It is an emotional day for me every year, but it is hitting me harder this year. Now I have Isabella, and there are so many things I wish to ask my mom about when I was this age. Mainly, I just am sad that she will never get to meet this amazing girl in person. Jeff likes to say that his mom and my mom are hanging out together, looking down on us, proud of their granddaughter. I'm sure he's right.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
On to solid food
Yeah, we started carrots today! And, much to the dismay of my brother, Isabella LOVES carrots!! She was very gung-ho about eating them. Jeff couldn't get the spoon in her mouth fast enough. And, so far as bedtime tonight, no reaction to them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Well, that was interesting...
We had our first foray into baby sickness yesterday. Isabella woke up from her afternoon nap, and her cheeks and chin were full of rash. After spending 2 hours driving 45 minutes to the after-care clinc, waiting for the doctor, being seen by the doctor, and then driving home, we have a "wait and see" diagnosis. If the rash goes away in a couple of days, she most likely had an adverse reaction to the rice cereal. If it continues down her body, it is a viral rash and will go away within a week.
Well, this morning, the rash is almost gone from her cheeks, and hasn't progressed down. SO I am guessing my first reaction was correct and it was a reaction to the rice cereal. So, no more of that for now. We can, however, continue on with veggies and fruits. Yea!
Well, this morning, the rash is almost gone from her cheeks, and hasn't progressed down. SO I am guessing my first reaction was correct and it was a reaction to the rice cereal. So, no more of that for now. We can, however, continue on with veggies and fruits. Yea!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Isabella is eating rice cereal & sleeping in her crib!

If you know us you know what you need to on to more important things!
We are on Day 3 of Isabella eating rice cereal. It's going pretty well. On Sunday, she didn't eat much of it. The cats wrestling was much more important to her, apparently. LOL. Yesterday, she did very well. She ate almost all of it, and very enthusiastically!! Today...well, she is teething, and I am pretty sure one of those teeth is about to make a full appearance; chewing on the spoon today was more important to her than eating. Hey, if it works for her...
Last Friday, we started her sleeping in her crib in her own room. Nighttime sleeping is going wonderfully! She took to it right away. Naptime...hmm..what can I say about naptime? She has gone back to not liking to nap. Silly little girl.
But it is nice to have her in her own space, all of her stuff in one place. And for us to have our bedroom back. We don't remember having this much room in our room! Haha
We are on Day 3 of Isabella eating rice cereal. It's going pretty well. On Sunday, she didn't eat much of it. The cats wrestling was much more important to her, apparently. LOL. Yesterday, she did very well. She ate almost all of it, and very enthusiastically!! Today...well, she is teething, and I am pretty sure one of those teeth is about to make a full appearance; chewing on the spoon today was more important to her than eating. Hey, if it works for her...
Last Friday, we started her sleeping in her crib in her own room. Nighttime sleeping is going wonderfully! She took to it right away. Naptime...hmm..what can I say about naptime? She has gone back to not liking to nap. Silly little girl.
But it is nice to have her in her own space, all of her stuff in one place. And for us to have our bedroom back. We don't remember having this much room in our room! Haha
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