Thursday, January 19, 2012

Date Night

Last night was date night. Kids at Mamaw's, just Jeff and I for dinner. We haven't been on a date since before Bella broke her leg in July of last year. It.felt.wierd. We kept looking for the mess to clean up, the kid to tell to sit down/stop screaming/eat your dinner. Apparently, we need to do it more often.

Olive Garden was DELICIOUS. We had this new shrimp scampi in lemon sauce appetizer. Divine. Stuffed chicken marsala for me; tour of Italy for Jeff. Scrumptious. It was nice to be able to talk without being interrupted; to have time alone; to reconnect. I LOVE my husband! Haha

Here's to more date nights!

Friday, January 6, 2012

I miss my BFF

My bff moved yesterday. Yesterday, Riley started walking. I mean REALLY walking. All over the house (although today he is back to crawling, little bugger). I wanted her to see. And today I am having the worst day.  I want to be able to call her and have her come over or go to her house. I hate the Air Force! lol

Everything is going wrong today. Non napping, teething toddler. Not listening, sassy other toddler (preschooler? heck, Idk what she is). Car not working. Trying to get things ready for a party tonight. Had to get our kitten fixed today. All before we get our taxes back next month! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

There, that feels a little better.

Mandy! I miss you!!! xoxoxo

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The boy says "no"

At just shy of fourteen months, Riley has told me "No"!

The kids spent all of Jeff's three day weekend "helping" him work in the garage. This consisted of them playing in the pack n play while Jeff organized. This morning, he was at work when they got up, and both of them were looking for him. While standing at the washer in our laundry room, I feel Riley crawl past me. He started banging on the door to the garage, yelling "Dada! Dada!" When I told him Daddy was at work, he looked at me and said "No! Dada!" and proceeded to pound on the door some more! Guess I got told