Friday, April 30, 2010

15 months

Isabella turned 15 months yesterday. We had her check up today. She is "growing beautifully," according to her pediatrician.

She weighs 19 pounds 13 ounces, is 31 inches tall and her head circumference is 18 inches. She moved up to the 9th percentile from the 7th and she grew 2 inches in 3 months! Holy cow! I think she's going to be tall like Daddy.

She is starting to walk backwards. She follows directions beautifully. When one of us says "Let's go brush our teeth," she heads down the hallway to the bathroom. She is starting to help us brush her teeth.

She can say mama, dada, hi, yes, this, anana (banana), kitty, and baby. She shakes her head "no" like a pro. LOL.

She got two shots today and took them like a champ. Mommy hugs made the tears go away pretty quickly. Then we went shopping with Grandma and to lunch.

She's getting so grown up. She doesn't look like a baby at all anymore.

Now if she would just grow some more hair! LOL

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Little Catch Up

As March closed out, we had a very nice visit with my cousin and her two girls. Isabella has a blast playing with the girls (9 and almost 6). She loves chasing after people a little bigger than her. And now that she can walk, she is all over the place!

Our Easter was very nice. We went to a toddler Easter egg hunt across the street at our friends' house. Their little boy helped Isabella, who wasn't all that interested in the hunt. She did have fun helping Daddy die eggs, though. On Easter, we went to a church service in the park with my godmother, brother, and our friends, the Venables (with their brand new baby girl). Isabella loves running around the park (but not the slide or swings). We had excellent steak for dinner.

So far, April has brought an almost running toddler with attitude. Isabella's favorite thing is to shake her head no, whether she means no or not. She just likes to shake her head. Haha. I think that's my fault. When I used to tell her "no," I would always shake my head so she knew what I meant. She caught on quickly.

She is still a momma's girl, but is warming up to Daddy (especially if he leaves without saying good bye--bad Daddy!).

April is sure to bring even better things. :)