Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We've had a lot of fun this month with all of the Halloween activities we have done. We went to a pumpkin patch, last weekend we went to the Zoo Boo, and last night we went to the Halloween Howl at Colossal Cave.

The Zoo Boo was a lot of fun! Isabella wasn't scared at all, and they had a lot of cool decorations. The Halloween Howl wasn't as much fun. It was freezing, and there wasn't a lot to do unless you had kids over the age of 3 or 4. We had some food, hung out with some friends, and packed it and came home.

Tonight will be tons of fun! Later this afternoon, we're going to take Isabella around to some friends'. When we get home, Grandma and my friend Mandy are coming over to hang out, hand out candy, eat some pizza, and watch some movies. Looking forward to it!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

9 months old today!

It's hard to believe that Isabella is 9 months old today! Where did the time go? I feel like it was just yesterday that she was a tiny thing that just slept all the time. :D Now she's a talking, almost walking, into everything, bundle of energy. She is the joy in my life.

She also got her first owie today. Took a header into her toy box. She's just fine; a tiny little scrape above her right eyebrow. It scared her more than anything.

We hung out with Grandma today. Got a lot of Grandma's Christmas shopping done. Isabella is such a good baby when it comes to shopping. She will sit in the cart, play with her toys, smile at everyone and anyone, and hardly ever gets cranky. Even when she misses her nap. We were gone practically all day today, and then I laid her down when we got home. She rolled over and went right to sleep.

Then we went over to our friends' house for dinner. We had yummy homemade macaroni and cheese, and were entertained by the enthusiastic Chloe. A really good all of us needed.

Now Isabella is fast asleep, Jeff is asleep, and I am debating over watching a little tv, playing Bejeweled, or going to bed...

Monday, October 26, 2009

First Word!

Isabella said her first clear word this weekend! And the winner is: MAMA!! That's right: Isabella says Mama. A lot. Haha. I think Jeff might be a tiny bit jealous, but we are both so excited that she said her first word. And she occassionally says it in my direction, as if she knows I am mama. 4 days short of her 9 month birthday, she speaks. LOL.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What a Week!!!!!!

Wow...I think this past week has literally been the worst week I can remember in a very long time. It started last Sunday night. After the great day at the pumpkin patch, Isabella bonked her head on the coffee table. Luckily she was fine. She had developed a cough over the preceding few days and Sunday night she coughed so badly that she ended up throwing up quite a bit. We couldn't get ahold of her pediatrician, so we went to the ER. 4 excruciating hours and one nasty nurse later, we were sent home after being told she has a cold and to follow up with her doctor. So, we all got to go to bed at 2:30 am Monday morning.

Aside from being tired, I felt fine all of Monday, while Jeff felt like he was coming down with a cold. All that changed Monday night. I woke up in the middle of the night and spent the next 6 hours sick to my stomach. It was horrible. I thought morning sickness had been bad!

I basically slept all of Tuesday while Jeff took care of Isabella. He had to take her to her doctor's appointment (follow up to the ER). Her doctor said she was fine, she just had a touch of a cold. I, on the other hand, felt like I had been run over by a semi, repeatedly.

Wednesday I felt a bit better, but Jeff felt awful. Horrible cough and sore throat. So he spent most of Wednesday and Thursday in bed. Isabella seemed better. And then Thursday evening she coughed so hard she threw up again, so her pediatrician asked us to bring her in. And hour and a half of waiting in the exam room later, she tells us it's a cold and she got in a new tooth (now she has 4 on the bottom) so the combination of mucus and excess saliva made her vomit. It's normal. Thanks for making me wait so long to hear that. Sheesh.

All of felt better yesterday. And Jeff actually got a part time job doing labor yesterday! Yeah!! It's better than having no money for the next 2 weeks. This whole unemployment thing is really taking a toll.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We took Isabella to the pumpkin patch last Sunday with our friend Mandy. It was a lot of fun. We had good food, and got to take a tractor-pulled wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch to pick our own pumpkins. I don't think I've ever done that before. It was interesting and a lot of fun. Next time, we'll bring gloves. LOL. Jeff also picked us some gourds to use as a Fall centerpiece. Yeah for Fall!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Isabella is a wonder

Isabella continues to amaze me every day. She mastered crawling like a pro, started pulling up to her feet in her crib the day before she turned 8 months, and last night she pulled up on the chair I was sitting in. She was so proud of herself! I love the laugh she has when she has accomplished something. It's the most adorable little giggle.

We put a bumper around the coffee table the other night in anticipation of her being able to pull up on it and cruise. I guess we were just in time! LOL

She also got another tooth in last Thursday. It is on the bottom right next to the two middle teeth she already had. Still no sign of the top middle teeth, though. There might be one coming in on the top left, over to the side. It's hard for me to tell because 1. it doesn't look like what the others looked like when they came in (i.e. invisible until they popped through the gum. haha) and 2. she won't let me look for very long. Stubborn little thing is my baby.

Stay tuned to see what she does next. :D

Friday, October 2, 2009

What a Week!!!

This has been a very...wierd, eventful week. It started out pretty well. Monday was just a normal day; nothing special happened. Tuesday, Isabella turned 8 months old. We went to the mall with Mandy, and I thought it was just a normal day. And then BAM! I get home, and find our Jeff has been laid off. Yeah, you read that correctly: Jeff got laid off. WTF?! So, he's pretty much spent the rest of the week applying for unemployment and updating his resume, etc.

Yesterday was my birthday. It didn't seem as special this year. Stress from the newly unemployed region sort of over shadowed the whole day. I got lectured to by a loving aunt, who was trying to help but come on, it was my birthday!! Then my friend Mandy came over, and things started to look better. She brought me my birthday gift, stayed for a little while. Brightened my day, thank you. :D When Jeff got home, he brought me roses. Seriously, people, they are the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. A bouquet of white and red roses. GORGEOUS. My godmother came over for dinner. Jeff bbq'd steak (amazing), made this potato dish that is scrumptious, shrimp cocktail. Mmmmmm. And then, he put a match in a Fudgesicle and sang Happy Birthday to me. How cute is THAT?!

Today is not a great day. I had a mini meltdown over changing the sheet for Isabella's crib. Seriously, why does that have to be so hard to do?!!!!! Anyway. I guess it just really hit me this morning that Jeff doesn't have a job anymore. I have faith in him that he will find something, but the interim is making me incredibly stressed out. And I know he is stressed out, so I am either internalizing all of my stress to keep it from him, or letting it all out on here. *Sigh*

Bright spot: we are having my bday party tomorrow. Lots of friends, ribs, bratwurst, cake. Mmmm, ice cream cake. mmmmmm