Monday, May 16, 2011

Thank God it's...Monday????

I never thought I would say that! But what a weekend. And not in the good way. I think I might have a grey hair...or two.

Friday was supposed to be a fun day of shopping with our good friends. It mostly was...until the end when Bella tripped in the parking lot and scraped a good amount of skin off her knee. I figured that was bad enough...until Saturday.

While on a walk with Daddy, Bella tripped over herself, landed on her knee (again) and then face planted! A few hours later, she threw up, so we rushed her to the ER, thinking she had a concussion. Thankfully, she does not; she just has a nasty bump, a few scrapes, and a few bruises.

If this is the way the rest of the year is going to go, I am terrified.