Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What a Crazy Weekend!

I don't remember the last time we had such a wonderful, albeit completely crazy, weekend! Jeff didn't have yardwork to do, so it was the four of us all weekend. That's the first time that has happened in AGES. It was nice for him to be home with us; the kids don't get to see much of him when he does yardwork on the weekends. During the week, he is only home for three hours a night before they go to bed (and most of that is taken up by making dinner/eating dinner/cleaning up dinner). Saturday was INSANE. Not only did Bella get pinkeye out of nowhere, but my 4 months and 20 day old baby got a tooth! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you read that correctly: the boy has a tooth; not even five months old yet! One of his bottom teeth broke through, and the one next to it is on its way through, as well. How crazy is that?? He might have two teeth before he is even five months old (Bella got her first one between 6.5 and 7 months!). My poor girl has such a yucky eye! I have no idea where she got it (although I am guessing from a shopping cart or touching something someone else had touched), but it is in full force. We took her to the dr today for antiobiotics. All weekend, though, it looked like someone had punched my baby in the eye. If we can somehow manage to keep Riley from contracting it, I will count myself lucky.