Monday, December 30, 2013

Highlights of 2013

As this year comes to a close, I am reminded that there were more bright spots than not this year.

- The arrival of Aiden is, of course, a big #1. He has brought so much joy to our lives.

- The arrival of my nephew, Andy. We miss that little man so much.

- My brother marrying Julie. Welcome to the family (legally)! We love you.

- Seeing my bff in April (and looking forward to her visiting in 2014).

- Moving to live down the street from my close friend, Stephanie.

- A white Christmas

- Having a beautiful new house

- Seeing Isabella with her little bff Amelia

- Sharing the year with fabulous friends and family

What were some highlights from your year?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mommy vs Riley: Christmas Photo 2013

All I wanted was a picture of the five of us, smiling in front of the Christmas tree. I had our outfits picked out weeks ago (OK, maybe a month or two ago). I coordinated. Scoured stores for a white shirt for Riley.

All Riley wanted was to have a fit. "No picture!" "I don't want to!" *sigh*

Do you want a lollipop? No! Picture!

Do you want candy? No! Picture!

Do you want juice? No! Picture!

And on and on we went for almost an hour. I don't want socks. I don't want shoes. I don't want. I don't want. I don't want.

I want my 'let (blanket). Sissy brings him his blanket AND Roo (awesome big sister). Daddy let him take a picture of mommy. And suddenly he was willing to take any amount of photos mommy wanted. Over and over and over again (not that I am a perfectionist or anything).

Hard to say who won, but I got my picture so I like to think I came out on top. But he's three and he got candy. I'm sure he won.