Wednesday, July 29, 2009

6 Months

Wow, Isabella is 6 months old today!! Where did that time go? I have no idea. She is the most amazing creature, and only gets more so every day. She surprised us about a week and a half ago by suddenly just sitting up by herself on the floor. Put in that position, she will sit like that for awhile with a toy, before getting bored. She pushes forward, pulls her legs out from under her, and presto!chango! she is on her tummy. Suprisingly, she doesn't hate tummy time anymore.

Eating solids is going well, also. We've had carrots and squash, and we try something new tomorrow.

So, I guess crawling is next at some point. Haha

Friday, July 24, 2009

10 Years

I can hardly believe that today is the 10th anniversary of my mom's death. It is an emotional day for me every year, but it is hitting me harder this year. Now I have Isabella, and there are so many things I wish to ask my mom about when I was this age. Mainly, I just am sad that she will never get to meet this amazing girl in person. Jeff likes to say that his mom and my mom are hanging out together, looking down on us, proud of their granddaughter. I'm sure he's right.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

On to solid food

Yeah, we started carrots today! And, much to the dismay of my brother, Isabella LOVES carrots!! She was very gung-ho about eating them. Jeff couldn't get the spoon in her mouth fast enough. And, so far as bedtime tonight, no reaction to them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Well, that was interesting...

We had our first foray into baby sickness yesterday. Isabella woke up from her afternoon nap, and her cheeks and chin were full of rash. After spending 2 hours driving 45 minutes to the after-care clinc, waiting for the doctor, being seen by the doctor, and then driving home, we have a "wait and see" diagnosis. If the rash goes away in a couple of days, she most likely had an adverse reaction to the rice cereal. If it continues down her body, it is a viral rash and will go away within a week.

Well, this morning, the rash is almost gone from her cheeks, and hasn't progressed down. SO I am guessing my first reaction was correct and it was a reaction to the rice cereal. So, no more of that for now. We can, however, continue on with veggies and fruits. Yea!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Isabella is eating rice cereal & sleeping in her crib!

If you know us you know what you need to on to more important things!

We are on Day 3 of Isabella eating rice cereal. It's going pretty well. On Sunday, she didn't eat much of it. The cats wrestling was much more important to her, apparently. LOL. Yesterday, she did very well. She ate almost all of it, and very enthusiastically!! Today...well, she is teething, and I am pretty sure one of those teeth is about to make a full appearance; chewing on the spoon today was more important to her than eating. Hey, if it works for her...

Last Friday, we started her sleeping in her crib in her own room. Nighttime sleeping is going wonderfully! She took to it right away. Naptime...hmm..what can I say about naptime? She has gone back to not liking to nap. Silly little girl.

But it is nice to have her in her own space, all of her stuff in one place. And for us to have our bedroom back. We don't remember having this much room in our room! Haha