Monday, August 31, 2009

Busy, Busy Week

Technically, every week is a busy week when you have a 7-month-old, but I plan on this being an exceptionally busy week. We started yesterday. We have two months from today to get the house ready for the new arrivals (i.e., my dad and brother). I can't wait until the last minute. I'd rather have it all done early and then not have to worry about it, rather than be rushed. I'm anal like that. LOL.

While Isabella and I were at church yesterday, Jeff got busy. He installed the ceiling fan in Isabella's room. One less thing being stored in the garage. And he moved the filing cabinet for me. Such a nice husband. After lunch, we moved the desk from the den to our bedroom...and then moved it by the entertainment center in the living room...and then moved it to a different corner of the living room. LOL. I hate having it in the living room, but logic prevails on that one. We organized one side of the garage in order to move boxes out there, and it occurred to me: WE HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF!!! But I'm not dealing with that right now. LOL.

I really want to get things organized before this weekend. We're have a Labor Day weekend bbq, with about fifteen friends coming. Things need to be organized. Haha.

Thankfully, none of this seems to be affecting Isabella. I'm a different story. I've already broken out in hives. I am thankfully that we have the space (sort of, haha) for my dad and brother. I can't stand the thought of my dad being homeless (my brother was coming regardless, so no worry there). It's just a lot to take in.

So, I'm off to put Isabella down for her nap, and try to keep off the computer. We'll see how successful I am on the second part of that. :D

Saturday, August 29, 2009

7 Months Old!

Isabella is 7 months old today! And what a wonderful day she had (and Mommy) thanks to Daddy. Jeff got up this morning, and took her for a walk, and to the park for the first time (okay, I am totally bummed I missed that), and to Grandma's for a visit. Nice Daddy and Bella time. Awwww. I can't believe she is already 7 months old. The time has flown by so quickly!!

Monday, August 24, 2009


We finally found a church to go to yesterday. We went to Life Fellowship Church with my friend Mandy. It's at the elementary school around the corner from us. It was nice. It's very laidback. There are only about 20 members. They have a live band, and everyone was extremely friendly. People kept coming up and commenting on how beautiful Isabella is (which she is. LOL). We're going to go back next with Aunt Debbi, and Briana said she's going to check it out. We might double their membership just by the people we know! LOL

Sunday, August 23, 2009

She's MOBILE!!!!

Yesterday evening, Isabella crawled forward a few inches, and then sat back all by herself!!!!!! We are so proud of our little monkey!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I Hate Mondays

Truly, I do. After a weekend of fun, visiting with my brother, or a weekend of working around the house on projects, the last thing I want to do is spend an entire day cleaning up from the weekend! There always seems to be extra laundry on Mondays. Isabella is crankier on Mondays. The day seems to drag by on Mondays. *Sigh*

At least tomorrow is Tuesday

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Uncle T Visit

So, my brother comes to visit once a month. This time, his friend and her mom (on their way home) were nice enough to give him a ride this way. He'll be here until Sunday, when he will fly back home to S.D. :(

I was a little worried Isabella might be a bit "afraid" of him this time. It has been over a month since she saw him, and she has started to go through this "Stranger Danger" phase. But she was THRILLED to see him! She knew who he was instantly, and was pretty glued to him all evening. Bella loves Bubba. :)

She was also attached to my brother's friend, which was nice because she is nice. I had never met her before, but I liked her. It's nice to know my brother has nice friends, and they like Isabella.

So, he's here until Sunday evening, and we have a full weekend planned!! Woo hoo!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Isabells has mastered the great art of scooting. Having tile throughout the house really helps her. She scooots herself backwards off of her blanket, and then can pretty much make her way across the living room. She is very proud of herself, and looks up at me to make sure Mommy is paying attention to her new talent. :) She is also getting very good at getting up on her knees and moving back and forth. I imagine crawling is not that far behind. She is getting sooo big!

Monday, August 10, 2009

NO Pictures!

So, Jeff and I thought it would be nice to document Isabella's very first tooth. Apparently, our baby girl had different ideas. She stuck her tongue out, she turned her head into Jeff's shoulder, she contorted herself in every possible position. You would think two parents could get their baby to sit still and cooperate in order to get one non-blurry picture of this little rockhard white thing sticking out of her gum. But no. She refused. She turned, she covered it, she got so mad her face turned red. We gave up. And then she smiled. LOL

Friday, August 7, 2009


Isabella has 2 teeth coming in! One on the bottom that is mostly done, and one on the top that is working its way to the surface. Let the fun begin!