Thursday, November 20, 2014

Reasons my 14 month old cried today

- I picked him up when he wanted up

- I put him down when he tried to get down

- I handed him a toy

- I didn't hold his milk for him while he drank

- I only gave him ONE handful of cheerios

- I wouldn't let him drink out of my water cup (I'm sick)

- I gave him his own straw cup

- I cleaned his bum

- His brother tried to rip off his toenail (don't ask)

- I picked him up again

- I closed the baby gate

- I smiled at him

- I walked into the other room

- I stopped watching him close the play kitchen refrigerator door

- The dog licked him

- It's time to brush teeth

It's a rough life for my little man ;)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

4 Years Ago

4 years ago this little snuggler was brought into our lives

And now he has turned into this smart, funny, sweet, amazing little man

He loves Thomas, Cars, Planes, coloring, annoying his sister, snuggling, reading, playing outside and telling knock knock jokes that make no sense to anyone but him. He is the quintessential middle child. He lights up our hearts and there is a never a dull moment when he is around.

Happy 4th birthday to my little dude. We love you, RyRy

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mornings with Three

Mornings at our house are chaotic and loud. The baby wants his milk, the other two are demanding their morning meals. I want cereal. I want a waffle. I want an English muffin. I need milk. You didn't give me juice. He got more than me. And then the baby adds in his two cents' worth by screeching for me at the top of his lungs because I have stepped five feet from him to finish getting food for his siblings.

All through this there is getting Isabella's lunch ready. Do your kids have a packed lunch or do they buy lunch? I like packing her lunch because then I know exactly what she is eating. I could pack it the night before, if the child in question would pick what she wants. But the problem with that is she changes her mind by morning and then it is a major meltdown. So, morning lunch making it is. Do you want turkey? Ham? Peanut butter and jelly? Soup? PICK SOMETHING! And then it is like pulling teeth to get her to choose the little things that go in her lunch. Yogurt, apple sauce, tomatoes, apples, cheese sticks, crackers, chips. Child, you are killing me, smalls!

And we have the background soundtrack of the unhappy 14 month old that is not being held by mommy at the moment. And the three year old that is asking for more food (apparently, an English muffin, yogurt, half a banana, a cereal bar, and a cup of milk is not enough --- and later he will eat half of my eggs).

Getting dressed is another whole ordeal. She has to look beautiful every day. Skirts, dresses, leggings, cute sweatshirt. She is such a girly girl. Her jeans have to have sparkles. Her Punky Brewster outfit of striped tshirt, plaid skirt, teal leggings and purple sweatshirt always cracks me up, though. Her outrageous outfit choices remind me that she is her own person, with her own likes and ideas and taste in fashion.

Thankfully Daddy takes her to school most days. Which leaves me with a pissed off three year old that Daddy wouldn't let him come today (because, gasp!, Daddy has to talk to Sissy's teacher). Cue temper tantrum on the floor while I am trying to get the baby down.

Speaking of said baby. After snuggling and rocking for ten minutes, quiet snores tell me he is asleep. I wait five minutes more and then put him down. I tiptoe out the door, quietly ease the door shut. take one step down the stairs...cue the angry baby screaming. Mommy, you had the audacity to leave me here in my crib, all snuggly warm with my blankey, so you could eat BREAKFAST! There is no breakfast for you!

After finally getting to my breakfast, the three year old eats half of it. God help my grocery bills during the teenage years.

It's not even 10 am and this mommy needs a nap. Except for that pesky laundry, dishes, and homework that needs to be done.

Leave me a comment about your crazy mornings!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


One of the required classes for BA in English Language & Literature is a Shakespeare class. Thinking how much I enjoyed Shakespeare in high school and in some classes for my AA, I thought "Oh, cool, this will be fun." WHAT WAS I THINKING?!

It is going to be eight weeks of torture. We're two weeks in and I am feeling my anxiety rise. There is so much to do in this class, plus the three kids, the husband, the puppy and the occasional need to eat and sleep. I suppose I can cross those last two things off my list, but I have to feed the others.

This week is a lot. Last two acts of Hamlet, discussion question, short essay paper on Hamlet. I can't seem to find my footing.

I am sitting here tonight, after looking through a bunch of online journals for the kind of resources this professor requires, and my brain is broken. Seriously, I think I felt something snap. Who knows if I will get it back.

Pray for my sanity to return.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dear Isabella

Dear Isabella,

You are fast asleep, after numerous promises from mommy that I will check on you before I go to bed. You are worried I will be lonely tomorrow without you. You have told me you are going to miss me so much tomorrow. You do not want to go to kindergarten.

But tomorrow is going to be amazing, my girl. You are so brilliant and funny and kind. You will charm your teacher and make a bunch of new friends. You will paint, draw, color, learn to read, learn to be more independent.

I know tomorrow is going to be hard for you, lovey. It is going to be hard for mommy, too. But we have to be brave. I will be with you and you will be with me. We are never apart, you and me. You are my heart.

I am so excited to see your face after school and hear all about your big day. Where you sat, which friend you made, if you read any stories. I will have a big hug and kiss ready for you when you run out the door to me.

This is a big day. For us both. You are my first baby. You made me a mommy. And now here we are, 5.5 years later. The BIG DAY. Kindergarten. Let's make school fun.

I promise not to cry until I get back in the car.

I love you, baby girl. To the moon and back.

Love, mommy

Friday, July 11, 2014

Top Ten Reasons I am a Mean Mom Today

I read a couple of funny "top reason" blog posts today and thought I would add mine in, too. My kids have discovered they can say "You are mean!" for almost anything. Here are the top ten from today

10. I wouldn't let them each have two Popsicles

9. I won't let them watch tv all day

8. I wouldn't let them pick the baby up by his legs

9. I made them wash their hands before eating

8. I told them it was an hour until dinner

7. I gave them bananas for lunch

6. I make them drink water

5. I said no to taking special blankets outside

4. I tried to work on homework

3. I tried to talk to Daddy before he left for work

2. Apparently, I like Aiden more than I like them *eye roll*

1. After complaining that one had more snack than the other, I took it all out, counted it evenly and redistributed it, thus contaminating it, I guess.

Monday, June 23, 2014

NH Summer

This is how you know it is summer in NH:

- bug bites

- checking your kids for ticks multiple times a day

- you bring the fans in from the garage

- your kids take a bath every day

- the bath water after a bath is DISGUSTING

- the kids smell like sunscreen and bug spray

- your boobs sigh when you take your bra off at night

- the baby sits at the screen and yells at the big kids

- you check for ticks

- there are bear sightings

- people see moose (but I don't believe them)

- green green green green

- boats in the water

- flip flops come out

- rain

- green green green green

- you can smell bbq every day

- you hear lawn mowers at least once a week

- the kids go to bed without argument after playing outside all day long

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day, Mom

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I hope there are beautiful flowers up there to bring you joy. Do you remember all of the crafts that Travis and I made for you over the years? I understand now how much joy those kind of things brings to a mother's heart.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. This is our fifteenth Mother's Day without you. Fifteen missed cards, flowers, crafts, lunches, smiles. It doesn't get any easier on each holiday.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I see you in the kids every day. In Riley's smile. In Isabella's quiet thinking. In Aiden's laugh. Three little pieces of you that I get to see every day. Three reminders of how you must have felt as a mom.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I hope every day that I am half the mom you were. That my kids love me half as much as I love you still. That I instill in each one of them the knowledge and wisdom you instilled in us.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I miss you so much. The most today and on the anniversary of your death. You were a wonderful mom. I wish I had realized that at eighteen. I hope you know that I know it now.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. Thank you for being the best mother you could be so that I can be the best mother I can be. I try to follow your example every day.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I love you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Babyhood is leaving

This week Aiden has decided he doesn't like the baby swing anymore. He bucks and cries when put in it. Last week we moved him into the crib because he was getting too big for the pack n play. And he's too big and squiggly for us to wash him in the shower.

We've hit the 7+ months mark. The countdown to toddler hood. He's trying to crawl, he can sit on his own (when he wants to), he eats solids, and he's trying to say Mama.

At every milestone, I am so proud of him but there is a tiny part of me that whispers last baby. Everything he does is the last time I'll witness it. So I hope he slows down! I'm in no hurry for him to grow up.

I will cherish the sweet smelling baby snuggles as long as I can.