Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Reflections

It's been quite the year. Ups and downs. A lot of learning. I've learned to let go of the relationships that are doing me more harm than good. I've been lucky enough, and am so grateful, for the new relationships I have fostered this year. Sometimes I am prickly and not very loveable; but I have people in my life who brave the pricks and love me even when I don't deserve it. Those are the people I will be bringing into 2020 with me.

My kids have grown so much this year, and faced different challenges that we continue to face head on. They are amazing, incredible human beings, and I can only take partial credit. 😉

I don't know what 2020 will bring. But I hope it's full of friends, family, happiness.

Monday, December 9, 2019

30 Days of Thankfulness

1. Having a generator for when we lose power.
2. Aiden helping with the outside chores, getting ready for winter. He moves wood like the little engine that could.
3. Having food on the table and in my babies' bellies.
4. My kids laughing with friends. The sound of their laughter makes my heart happy.
5. Snuggling with my kids.
6. Cub Scouts. The boys have learned so much and enjoy it so much.
7. Kate, Sarah, Melissa, and Rachael. I am blessed beyond belief to have you ladies in my life.
8. Reading with the kids. I will read out loud to them as long as they let me.
9. Aiden having a playdate with his bff.
10. Having the time to read to myself.
11. Lunch with an old friend.
12. Capstone. It's teaching Isabella to be more independent.
13. Heating pad on a cold bed.
14. Isabella letting me play with her hair. These time are few and far between.
15. School dance. The kids had a blast!
16. GOTR 5K. GOTR has been amazing for Isabella. And she did an amazing job!
17. Bowling with friends.
18. Riley. Silly, sensitive, sensational Riley.
19. Aiden being loved by friends. Having friends who understand him.
20. Lunch with Aunt D.
21. Sliding off the road could have been so much worse. And thankful for the two men who stopped to help me. And for Jeff coming home to check on me and get the car out of the side of the road.
22. Thanksgiving Feast at the kids' school. This is one of my favorite traditions.
23. Blankets.
24. Being done Christmas shopping so I can enjoy the holidays.
25. A short school week.
26. Christmas movies.
27. Happy family.
28. My pets.
29. Isabella knowing "the truth about Santa" and being my helper this year.
30. Last, but certainly not least, Hannah. I am so thankful to have my sister from another mister, my partner in crime, my other half.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Wait Until Life Slows Down

The other day a friend posted a meme about waiting for life to slow down. Does that happen? Is there a magical time when life slows down? I don't want to fast forward until that time and miss out on any moments, but I DO wish life would slow down occasionally. Sometimes a girl needs a rest.

Life with three kids and a husband with a non-nine-to-five job is often...interesting.

Mondays, we have Aiden's Cub Scouts. Jeff has recently volunteered to be the den leader for our youngest's Tiger den. Right now, there are only three boys in his den, but there might be more coming. We have these meetings at our house (with the exceptional of the occasionally off-sight meeting). While Jeff is entertaining and teaching these three young minds, the other two have to be entertained. Or at least kept out of the way. This is easier with the 10 year old than with the 8 year old.

Tuesdays and Thursdays we have Girls on the Run for Isabella and soccer for Riley. Girls on the Run is amazing for Isabella's physical and mental health. She practices for a 5K in November and learns about self esteem, self worth, being a good friend, a good person, etc. Soccer has been wonderful for Riley. It takes all of that after-school energy he has after keeping it together all day at school and transfers it to kicking balls into a net.

Wednesdays we have Riley's Cub Scouts (and, once a month, the whole pack meeting). Jeff takes him to a town nearby for that while the other two and I stay home and work on homework or whatever we need to do. Except for the Wednesday once a month when I also have PTO. 😏

You'd think weekends would be free, but that is when everything else happens. Family time, movie night, yardwork, getting ready for the snow, church, playdates.

The thing is, though, that even though it is so very very stressful, I wouldn't change it. Watching Aiden and his friends listen intently to Jeff while he explains to them about teamwork. Watching Riley play goalie or running down the field with the ball. Listening to Isabella tell me she got the Energy Award during practice. Listening to Riley tell me what he learned at Scouts. Being a part of my kids' school activities. Knowing they understood what they learned in Sunday school and apply it to another part of their lives. All of these are what rounds out life. This is the the best part of life.

But I still want a nap.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

It Takes a Village

My village is small but mighty. It includes my kids' best friends' parents. It includes my bff that lives across the country. It includes PTO moms and Cub Scout moms and classmates' moms.

We watch each other's kids on short notice and on snow days. We give each other rides if needed. We vent and brag. We have S'mores and movie nights and wine. We make sure each other's kid isn't crying when he/she gets off the bus. We give each other preteen and middle school advice.

We check on each other. We make each other brownies and share books. We buy from each other's kids' fundraisers and make our own Scout den.

We parent each other's kids as if they were our own. They get hugs and "you know better" looks. They are loved by many.

Life is more fulfilling with a Village. Who's in yours?

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019: The Year of Self Care

As a mom, I tend to put everyone else before myself. 2018 found me rundown, irritable, lonely, sad, full of anxiety and depression. Friends kept telling me that I need to put myself first but I just kept putting it off. The kids needed something signed, someone needed clean pants, everyone needs to eat all the time. And Mommy kept getting put to the wayside.

2019 is going to be the year of self care. I am going to say "no" a little more and "yes" a little less. I am going to take time to read and write every day; I might finish my novel (fingers crossed). We're joining the YMCA this month. I'm doing a Bible study for myself. I'm going to speak up for myself.

The idea is daunting. To take care of myself first? I have three kids, a husband, a dog, and a house. Putting myself before all of them is going to take some getting used to. But if I don't learn to put myself first, they all aren't going to have me anymore. There were too many thoughts of that last year. I don't like those thoughts. They scare me and they aren't productive. 

No more drama. You want to bring drama into my life? Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out of my life. You want to start drama about my kids? Don't even bother coming near my family anymore. They might not be perfect, but all three of them are good kids with huge hearts. I'm not going to fight or argue with anyone (except the kids because, who am I kidding? They're going to argue over everything they can 😉) anymore. I don't have the time or the energy. You do you and I will do me.

I'm here for my friends. You need me, call me. Yes, I will actually pick up the phone. Most people know how much I hate talking on the phone, so if you are calling me then I know it is important.

I want to have fun. We have so many adventures planned for our family this year. The aquarium, the zoo (my five year old has never been to the zoo!), the beach, a trip to Georgia, a trip to California. Fun fun fun. Memories memories memories. Laughter and love.

Yes, 2019 is going to be a most excellent year.

2018 Gratefulness (A Little Late)

I am grateful for many, many things. Here are some highlights:

1. Friends who always invite you to make memories with them and their family.
2. My godmother, for stepping in and being an amazing mom and grandma.
3. My husband, who mans the ship when I can't.
4. Myself, for being super motivated and getting a lot done.
5. Friends who are always there and who are more family than some family.
6. Kid bedtime.
7. Cub Scouts, for giving Riley another community to belong to.
8. Girls on the Run for teaching Isabella about self esteem and having gratitude instead of baditude.
9. Hot chocolate.
10. Spending one on one time with my middle child.
11. My husband, my grandfather, my SIL, and everyone else who has served our country.
12. Family time making ornaments.
13. Warm chocolate chip cookies.
14. Belonging to the PTO.
15. A husband who warms the bed with a heating pad before I come to bed.
16. Getting home safely in the snow.
17. Staying up late to read.
18. My Ry. Happy birthday, my little dude.
19. Diet Coke.
20. Impromptu snow days.
21. Kid giggles.
22. Friends, family, my husband, health.
23. Aiden's love for helping Daddy work outside.
24. Family traditions.
25. Being able to surprise Aunt D with a burger.
26. Kids going back to school after a very long week.
27. Only going 9.5 hours without power instead of 28.
28. Neighbors who help you out without a second thought.
29. Literacy night and Aiden's class play.
30. Jeff going on Isabella's field trip.