Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019: The Year of Self Care

As a mom, I tend to put everyone else before myself. 2018 found me rundown, irritable, lonely, sad, full of anxiety and depression. Friends kept telling me that I need to put myself first but I just kept putting it off. The kids needed something signed, someone needed clean pants, everyone needs to eat all the time. And Mommy kept getting put to the wayside.

2019 is going to be the year of self care. I am going to say "no" a little more and "yes" a little less. I am going to take time to read and write every day; I might finish my novel (fingers crossed). We're joining the YMCA this month. I'm doing a Bible study for myself. I'm going to speak up for myself.

The idea is daunting. To take care of myself first? I have three kids, a husband, a dog, and a house. Putting myself before all of them is going to take some getting used to. But if I don't learn to put myself first, they all aren't going to have me anymore. There were too many thoughts of that last year. I don't like those thoughts. They scare me and they aren't productive. 

No more drama. You want to bring drama into my life? Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out of my life. You want to start drama about my kids? Don't even bother coming near my family anymore. They might not be perfect, but all three of them are good kids with huge hearts. I'm not going to fight or argue with anyone (except the kids because, who am I kidding? They're going to argue over everything they can 😉) anymore. I don't have the time or the energy. You do you and I will do me.

I'm here for my friends. You need me, call me. Yes, I will actually pick up the phone. Most people know how much I hate talking on the phone, so if you are calling me then I know it is important.

I want to have fun. We have so many adventures planned for our family this year. The aquarium, the zoo (my five year old has never been to the zoo!), the beach, a trip to Georgia, a trip to California. Fun fun fun. Memories memories memories. Laughter and love.

Yes, 2019 is going to be a most excellent year.

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