Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 21-23

Day 21

I am thankful for being able to make yummy food to eat with my family tomorrow. I am thankful to have the money to buy the food, and the ability to make it. Everybody loves my sweet potatoes, and it is so nice to have a dish that is requested.

Day 22

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my family. For my husband and our children. For my godmother. For my dad. For my brother and his girlfriend and the baby they are having. I am thankful for friends that are more friends than family. I am thankful for everyone I love.

Day 23

I am thankful for an amazing husband and awesome godmother that take over when I am sick. Good Lord, was I sick! I spent most of the wee hours of the morning depositing my insides in the toilet. I have NO idea what made me sick (apparently all of that yummy food did not agree with me) but it was HELL. And my ribs still hurt. But Jeff and my godmother took over. Isabella went shopping with Grandma, and Jeff was on Riley duty. I slept all but maybe two or three hours of the day. I am thankful to have them to pick up the slack

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 20

I am thankful for being there, even when it is scary.

Sometimes, there comes a point in a friendship where one of the people steps forward a little bit, takes a little bit more of the load, lets the other person unload all of the worries and fears that person has. Sometimes it is incredible scary to be that person; to be the one shouldering the load, listening, trying to find the right words, trying to be THERE long distance for the person you love.

Today, I was that person. Today, I was scared out of my mind. Today, I was trusted with more than I ever have been before. Today, our friendship grew.

Here is what I need my friend to know: I keep my promises. Always. Especially to you. You are stronger, smarter, sweeter, sassier, braver, and more loving than you ever give yourself credit for. You are amazing, in so many ways. And it will be ok. Today was rough. But we got through it. And we will get through the next one. I love you

I am always there, even when it is scary.

Day 19

Today I am thankful for two on one time with Isabella. I love when Riley spends the night with grandma because it gives me (us) the opportunity to hang out with Isabella. Sometimes Jeff is at work and it is just us girls, coloring and watching princess movies and painting our nails.

Last night, she wanted to go to the mall with Daddy AND Mommy, so we did. We ate and she played, and it was so nice to hear her observations about life and people and food and just everything. She has some definite opinions about things. She is wicked smart. Way smarter than I was at almost four (and I was pretty smart, let me tell you ;) ).

She's a funny, interesting, smart, silly little girl. And the time without her brother is precious.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 18

Today I am thankful for our spunky, sweet, charming Riley. Happy birthday, little man. The last two years have flown by, but have been filled with laughter and silliness thanks to you. You are turning into such a big boy. I don't know where my baby went.

Your roars make us laugh, your ostrich pose never gets old, and your smile lights up the room. Ever time you come to me for a kiss or a belly rub, it warms my heart.

Watching you grow from a tiny newborn into a two year old almost the size of your sister has been amazing. Watching each new milestone, hearing each new word, learning about what you like and don't like, has been an entirely new experience. Thank you

Thank you for adding to our family. We love you, sweet boy.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 17

I am thankful to have an amazing husband that says "Let me see your list, baby" and then spends 90% of his Saturday completing stuff on that list.

Tomorrow we're having family and friends over for Riley's second birthday dinner, and I had an entire page full of things to do. Not only did Jeff knock out most of them, he even did some that weren't on my list. Made me feel much less stressed.

I love that he saves me, in a million different ways. He is my anchor and I am thankful for him today, and every day

Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 16

Today I am thankful for the little girl that sat with me and watched Alice in Wonderland, and then told me what an awesome mommy I am for letting her stay up to watch it.

Isabella loves movies, especially about princesses (I know Alice isn't a princess but she "sure has a pretty blue dress, mommy"). Tonight was Alice in Wonderland on Disney Jr. I thought, hey, let's let the almost two year old stay up to watch the movie, too. The kids got their little couches, a couple of snuggle friends, and their pillow pets and blankets. Riley lasted about half an hour.

What came after was so special. Isabella climbed up on the couch with me, her head on my shoulder, and watched the rest of the movie with me, never moving for a second. I thought she had fallen asleep, but she was just REALLY into it.

I love how snuggly she is.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 15

I am thankful for the love my baby boy is receiving. Three days until his birthday and the packages have already started to arrive. I never expect gifts from people, but I love that my friends think of him as much as my family does.

Some of my friends are most definitely my family, and count Riley (and Isabella) as theirs. The person who sent the package today sure does. I cannot wait to see his face on Sunday.

Day 14

I am thankful that something as small as painting my nails makes me feel pretty. And that, whenever I look down at my nails, the thoughtfulness of a friend makes me smile.

It doesn't matter if I am wearing makeup or not; if my hair is in a ponytail or if I did something with it. It doesn't matter what I am wearing. If my nails and toenails are painted, I FEEL pretty.

Isabella told me she loves my nails because they are shiny and pretty. She wanted me to paint hers blue, too. Mommy is not ready for that yet. lol. But I think she might have inherited my love of nail polish!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 13

I am thankful for texting, IMing, FB chat, whatever it is that makes it possible for us to reach the people we love and need, when we need them. Yesterday was not a great day. Kids were misbehaving, I had a headache. But I was able to text and IM my besties and somehow, that always makes everything better.

I abhor talking on the phone. I will talk to my godmother on the phone because she doesn't text. But texting is so much easier because as soon as I put the phone to my ear, someone needs something. Usually, it is Riley. Who is simply upset that even though Mommy was in the office and he was in the living room, I am not on the phone. Silly little man.

So I am thankful for technology and those that use it. lol

Monday, November 12, 2012

Days 11 & 12

Day 11: I am thankful for my husband, and every other person who has served our country. Thank you for fighting for us. For keeping us safe. For believing in our country. Thank you for the sacrifices you, and your family have made.

Day 12: I am thankful for cooler weather. I am thankful that I needed a sweatshirt this morning. I am thankful I got to drink hot chocolate.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 10

I am thankful for a few things today:

1. I am thankful that my friend's little boy is going to get the help he needs, even though the process is scary

2. I am thankful for cooler weather

3. I am thankful life in BFF's house is just as nuts as mine is. Love you, H

4. I am thankful for BEDTIME. Oh so thankful for bedtime

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 7, 8, and 9

Wow, I really thought this would be easy but I keep forgetting. I guess I should have just done the FB thing. Oh well. Here it goes:

Day 7: I am thankful for family that is not blood related. Family is more than someone biologically related to you. And a few of my friends are more family than some of my family.

Day 8: I am thankful for weekly family dinners. Knowing there is one day a week where 1. I don't have to cook and 2. We are continuing a tradition started by my grandparents before I was born means more to  me than I can say. I love that my kids are participating in a tradition my mom participated in, even though they don't know it right now.

Day 9: I am thankful, oh my God, SO thankful, that Jeff has a job. 6 people at his work got laid off today, but he is not one of them. God saw fit to keep Jeff there. So please say a prayer of thanks that Jeff is at work and a prayer for the people that got laid off and their families.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6

Today, I am thankful for my husband. I am thankful for him every day, but today he gets a turn. ;)

I am thankful that he is always there for me, no matter what. He hold my hand in public. He makes bad jokes when he thinks I need to laugh. He tells me I am beautiful.

Tonight, he stayed home with Riley so Isabella and I could go shopping and out to lunch with my godmother. He didn't get anything done he wanted to, but he wanted us to have fun (Riley does not agree that shopping and anyplace he has to sit still are fun).

He works hard, harder than most, to provide for us each and every day. He's an awesome dad, an amazing friend, a fantastic husband.

I am thankful for the love of my life


Day 5

Ok, this is for yesterday because the day got away from me.

I am thankful for my kids. Their belly laughs, their "I love yous" (Riley says that now, on a full time basis). When they play together, when they snuggle. I love Isabella's obsession with princesses and Lalaloopsy, and Riley's obsession with Winnie the Pooh and trains. I love how much they remind me of their daddy.

Their smiles light up a room. They smell good (most of the time). They are such PEOPLE now. I am amazed by them

Thank you, my babies, for making me a mommy

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4

Today, I am grateful for:

- Not having to change time

- Meeting Jeff's cousin Sandra and her family

- Isabella was well behaved at dinner

- Being able to bring a smile to my best friend's face after a tough weekend

- An awesome husband

- Dinner plans with friends this week

- My pinky toe NOT being broken

- Sleeping childing

- All of you


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3

I have a friend who is going through one of the worst things imaginable: a sick child. He's not much older than Riley, and I find myself watching Riley and thinking "What if that was him?" I cannot imagine the pain and fear she and her family are experiencing. All I can do is pray for them, for her little boy.

My kids are typical toddlers, attitude and all. And even still, they are healthy. Thank God.

So today, I am thankful my children are healthy. Healthy enough to drive their momma nuts. <3 p="p">
And if you would, please take a minute to pray for a little boy and his family. Pray for peace, for answers, for  God to give this little boy many many more years to be a happy, playful little man.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2

My godmother is amazing. She moved here from San Diego to be closer to my kids, her grandkids. She takes each kid one night a week. We go shopping together. We have weekly dinners. Heck, we just took a family vacation together! She will step in in a moments' notice. She is more than I can say.

Last night is a perfect example. The kids were out of control. Isabella had been home from school for ONE hour, and I was already contemplating how early I could put them to bed. They weren't listening, Isabella was talking back, time out wasn't working. I was tired of yelling. Jeff was at work, so I called my godmother to vent about the children. She's great like that. She doesn't offer advice; she just listens and feels bad for my insanity. ;)

About half an hour later, the doorbell rang. And there she was. MAD GRANDMA. lol. If you have never seen MAD GRANDMA, I am sorry. You should. Every mom should have one of those. MAD GRANDMA is Grandma, with crazy eyes and no smile and a stern voice. And she brings Mommy cookies. lol. She brought me cookies and lectured the kids and made them clean up the living room. And then she gave kisses and hugs and went home. And bedtime was a dream.

On day 2 of a month of gratitude, or thankfulness, I am more than thankful for my godmother. For being my mom, for being my kids'  grandma. For just being. Thank you

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Month of Gratitude, Day 1

Last year, I did a Facebook status with what I was grateful for for every day of November. This year, I thought I'd do a blog post for every day. It's something different AND it will make me write every day.

What am I grateful for today? Best friends. Do you have one? I do, and I am grateful for them every day, but they are the topic for today.

I have lots of friends. People you chat with, share with, exchange Christmas cards. And then I have BEST FRIENDS. The ones you can call at 2 am and know she'll be sitting on the couch watching tv. The ones you stay up late chatting with. The ones that know your deepest, darkest secrets; a certain look, or tone. The ones that can give you the same lecture you give yourself, but it sounds better. The ones you consider to be your sisters, their kids your family. I have THOSE friends.

And THOSE friends get me through a lot of days that are really hard. They ride the crazy train of life with me, never getting off. They bought tickets for the end of the line. I am supremely grateful for them.

So, Day 1 of gratitude: best friends that are there, no matter what, for however long this journey is. I love you