Monday, January 24, 2011

It's just another manic Monday...

...but I don't wish it were Sunday. That was NOT a fun day. Mondays are full of putting away laundry, trying to do the dishes, clean up after an active toddler...all while the aforementioned toddler follows me around and the adorable baby boy fusses because Mommy isn't paying attention to him at that moment. And I still need to figure out what to have for dinner tonight.

I do not like Mondays. They mean the weekend is over and the whole week looms before me. Mondays mean that Jeff is back to work, and I am on my own again, trying to muddle my way through being the mom to two in two years. Most days, I don't feel like I'm doing a very good job. The toddler is whiny and clingy and doesn't listen. The baby is clingy and fussy and just wants to be held.

And this week is full of extra cleaning to prepare for Bella's birthday party on Saturday. It's hard to believe she will be two. She's still my baby. I'm excited for our friends and family to come celebrate with us, though. We're probably not going to do another big party for her for another few years, so it will be nice to have everyone here. As much as I panic and run around like a lunatic, I love having people over to celebrate things.

Here's hoping for a good week

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011

This year is off to a fantastic start. We had good friends over for New Year's Eve to ring in the New Year. We watched movies, ate snacks, snuggled the boy. The weekend went well. Jeff got down all of the outside Christmas decorations; I still need to tackle what is left of the indoor decorations. We got a lot of errands done, a lot of cleaning done, a lot of organization started. Yesterday we went back to church. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, Jeff went to church with us. lol.

I really like this new church we started going to. Isabella loves the nursery care. I really like the minister and the people have been friendly and welcoming. Yesterday's sermon was about the church's goals for 2011. I thought it was interesting and reassuring to know what the pastor has in store for us.

Today, Travis and I went for a walk with the kids. My goal is to lose weight, and lots of it. I need to get motivated. With the ppd, it's been hard, though. I WANT to exercise but there never seems time. When I do have time, one or both of the kids needs something. Morning walks are going to work best, I think.

The biggest news is that Jeff got into the January correctional officer academy! I am so so proud of him, and this means big changes for our family.

I hope 2011 is a great year for all of you