Wednesday, September 29, 2010

End of September

My baby girl is 20 months old today, and 7 weeks from tomorrow we will be having her little brother. Time is flying by! Isabella is such an amazing child. Every day it seems like she learns something new. Even better, ever time she says a new word to Jeff, his face just lights up. Today, it was "bubbles." They were playing in the backyard with her bubbles and she kept saying bubbles. It was adorable.

I had a dr appointment yesterday. The past two weeks haven't been easy. My blood pressure was way up and I was put on somewhat modified bedrest, or "couchrest." Not easy to do with a toddler and a need for clean. haha. Thankfully, yesterday my blood pressure was back to normal BUT my dr wants me to take it easy for the next 7 weeks so she doesn't have to put me on bedrest. Her exact words? "Relinquish control to Jeff. He won't do it your way, but at least you won't be telling him what to do from bed." It's a little scary how well she knows me.

Other than the blood pressure, Riley is doing fabulous. Using my inside as a kickball/punching bag. He moves around a lot more than Isabella ever did, and it is amazing. I hope he doesn't come out hyper, though. :) I am so anxious for him to be here and to see his little face. We have a growth check ultrasound sometime in the next two weeks, so at least we get to see him again before he makes his big debut.

I'm off to finish dinner before Jeff and Isabella get back from their walk. <3

Friday, September 3, 2010

28 Weeks

Wow, I am 28 weeks already! Going to the dr every two weeks now. Hopefully we can schedule the c-section at my next appointment.

We'll be having him the week before Thanksgiving, so there's roughly 10.5 weeks until he is here! Goodness gracious. I am excited and nervous. I can't wait to see his cute little face!

We're trying to prepare Isabella (as best we can) by asking her where the baby is (she will kiss my belly) and telling her what a big girl she is. Apparently it is sinking in! Last week, she and I were in Riley's room and she kept picking up stuff. I would say "No, honey, that's for Riley." We did this for several minutes and then when I would say "No," she would say "Ry Ry?" And now every time we walk past his door, she says "Ry Ry." It is absolutely adorable! I love my baby girl