Monday, December 30, 2013

Highlights of 2013

As this year comes to a close, I am reminded that there were more bright spots than not this year.

- The arrival of Aiden is, of course, a big #1. He has brought so much joy to our lives.

- The arrival of my nephew, Andy. We miss that little man so much.

- My brother marrying Julie. Welcome to the family (legally)! We love you.

- Seeing my bff in April (and looking forward to her visiting in 2014).

- Moving to live down the street from my close friend, Stephanie.

- A white Christmas

- Having a beautiful new house

- Seeing Isabella with her little bff Amelia

- Sharing the year with fabulous friends and family

What were some highlights from your year?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mommy vs Riley: Christmas Photo 2013

All I wanted was a picture of the five of us, smiling in front of the Christmas tree. I had our outfits picked out weeks ago (OK, maybe a month or two ago). I coordinated. Scoured stores for a white shirt for Riley.

All Riley wanted was to have a fit. "No picture!" "I don't want to!" *sigh*

Do you want a lollipop? No! Picture!

Do you want candy? No! Picture!

Do you want juice? No! Picture!

And on and on we went for almost an hour. I don't want socks. I don't want shoes. I don't want. I don't want. I don't want.

I want my 'let (blanket). Sissy brings him his blanket AND Roo (awesome big sister). Daddy let him take a picture of mommy. And suddenly he was willing to take any amount of photos mommy wanted. Over and over and over again (not that I am a perfectionist or anything).

Hard to say who won, but I got my picture so I like to think I came out on top. But he's three and he got candy. I'm sure he won.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

It was the perfect Thanksgiving. Our first snowy Thanksgiving in our new home. Aiden's first Thanksgiving. Being in the kitchen cooking while the kids watch the parade. The food filling the house with mouth watering aromas. Bundling up the kids for the short drive to Grandma's. Our family around the dinner table.

I am thankful for so many things. An amazing husband. Our smart, beautiful, healthy kids. A healthy Aiden after a difficult pregnancy. Our troops, working so hard and missing this holiday with their families to keep us safe. A roof over our heads. Food on our table. Family to share this day with. Friends that enrich our life. A best friend that is more family than friend.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of tasty food and your favorite people.

I am thankful for you.

Friday, November 22, 2013

I am a mom of three

Being a mom of three is a lot more work than I thought it would be. Isabella or Riley always  want something when I am feeding Aiden or trying to get him to go to sleep. It takes longer to get out of the house. I carry around a lot more stuff. I make more lists so I can remember everything.

Being a mom of three is a lot more rewarding than I thought it would be. Seeing the three kids together warms my heart in a way nothing else ever has or ever will. Seeing the huge smile on Aiden's face whenever Isabella is near him is so sweet and special. That baby boy LOVES his big sister. He's still not too sure about Riley. Haha. Both kids love to help with everything: feeding Aiden, giving baths, bringing him a blanket or a toy. Riley is always quick to tell me "Baby is crying! Baby is crying, Mommy! Get him!" Apparently he thinks I have lost my hearing ;)

I had forgotten how sweet and snuggly and good smelling babies are. How that first smile lights up your life. How good it feels to snuggle a litte sleepy, snoring bundle. How cute they are.

Having a baby again has also shown me how grown up my other two are getting. Isabella is wicked smart. And such a big help with both Aiden and Riley. And Riley is not a baby anymore. He seems much older than three most of the time. But sometimes he still wants to be the baby. Watching the two of them play together is so sweet, and reminds me of when my brother and I were their ages. I can't wait for Aiden to be able to play with them.

Being a mom of three has also taught me that I can do lots of things at one time. I can babywear Aiden, make Isabella's lunch and get the kids breakfast. I can feed Aiden and read Isabella a story. I can rock Aiden and watch Thomas the train with Riley. I can hold Aiden, eat dinner, and find out how Isabella's day was. I can carry the carseat and hang onto both kids.

Being a mom of three has taught me one really important thing: my heart can grown to encompass all three kids. I never thought I could love this much.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

In one week...

We will be sleeping in a motel, the house will be empty, and we will be about to embark on our seven day journey to the East Coast. The goodbyes started last weekend.

My godmother and I took the kiddos to Palm Spring to say goodbye to my grandparents and my bff and her kids. What a trip! Eight hours in the car, a pregnant lady that has to pee all the time, a 4 year old that has to try to go pee every time Mommy does, a two year old that freaks out every time Mommy and Sissy get out of the car, and the same 4 and 2 year old that fought the.entire.time. The ENTIRE time! Any time we were in the car, they were fighting. For three days. Who is looking forward to seven days in the car with them? Yeah, not me.

Saying goodbye to my bff...yeah, maybe we should just amputate a limb. It would be easier. Yes, we live about 9 hours away from each other and only see each other once or twice a year. But it is ONLY nine hours. Or two and a half by plane. Easy to do, in a heartbeat. Living on opposite coasts? I'm still not ok with that. But we will do what we do. And I will love her from afar. <3 p="">
We said bye to my brother, his girlfriend, and my nephew today. I am going to miss that sweet baby boy growing up. So he had better send me a ton of photos, every day. My nephew has the best smile for a one month old. He laughed at his cousins and snuggled with auntie. I told his mommy I might sneak him away with me. ;)

The house is looking emptier and emptier as we enter our last weekend in Tucson. The kids are excited. Mommy just wants to be in NH and sleep for a week. Daddy has painted and painted. Next week, we get new carpet. Hopefully someone rents the house soon.

Just one more week

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

From a 4 year old

On Saturday, we told Isabella that she and Riley are going to have a baby sister or brother at the end of the summer. Since then, she has asked:

- Can I call the baby Rapunzel
- If we have a boy, can we exchange him for a girl
- Are we keeping Riley (nice to know she is confident in HER place in the family lol)
- Will the baby like her
- Will the baby steal her stuff
- When will the baby be here
- Why don't we know yet if she is getting a sister
- What does the baby look like
- Where is the baby
- Does the baby sleep
- What does the baby think about

And she has:

- Kissed my stomach a thousand times
- Sang "You are my sunshine" to the baby
- Put her lovey and blankey on my stomach so the baby doesn't get cold
- Pet my stomach
- When Riley tried to jump on me, she patted my stomach and said "It's ok, baby. He's just a boy" lmao
- Told the baby "I love you"
- Ran into school yesterday and announced to her teacher "My mommy has a new baby in her tummy and it's going to be a girl because I already have a brother"

Not that she is the least bit excited or anything