Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all my mommas! I hope everyone had a wonderful day and did something fun.

I had a GREAT Mother's Day, thanks to my awesome husband. He told me to sleep in this morning (which I couldn't do by more than 15 minutes---so I read in bed for a while lol). He gave me a sweet card from himself and one from Isabella. Then he made me eggs and bacon.. Super yummy! After the Bella-bug took a nap, we went for a drive and had lunch. Isabella actually ate her lunch, which was a nice present to Mommy. When we got home, both Isabella and Mommy took a nap (Isabella's was much longer than Mommy's lol). When she got up, Jeff took her to the store with him and brought back an ice cream cake. Yummy! He made steak for dinner. If anyone has ever had Jeff's steak, you know how amazing it is. He also cleaned up the kitchen. I got to relax all day, which was the best present ever.

Love you, honey!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Official Playdate

We had our first playdate today for our little neighborhood playgroup. I think it was a raging success. There were five kids other than Isabella, ranging in age from 5 years to 6 weeks. LOL. Isabella slept through half of it (longest nap EVER) but woke up in time to play for a little while. It was nice to get together with other mommies and have adult conversation while the kids played. Most of the conversation revolved around babies, lol.

Other than that, a pretty tame day. It's almost time for Isabella's bath and then an early bedtime due to non napping this afternoon. **Sigh**