Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Quarantine Day #14

8:30 am: I overslept. Never heard my alarm go off. Or Riley turned it off so they could have more Kindle time. The world  may never know.

9:00 am: Threw cereal at the kids.

10:00 am: They are begging me for a snack. They have each completed ONE assignment and we need a break?

10:30 am: Aiden is on a video call doing his reading lesson. The other two are, of course, as noisy as possible.

11 am - 12 pm: Isabella is upstairs doing a class video call and check in with her teacher. Aiden has finished for the day until we do Art. He is bored.

12 pm: Lunch. Didn't they just eat?!

12:30 pm: Riley has a video class read aloud with his teacher. Thank God his mic is muted.

1 pm: It's SNOWING. Seriously?!

2:00 pm: They are all working on their Art assignment. Apparently the Art teacher hates parents because it's a watercolor project. Paint. Bowls of water. Papers. On my pretty dining room table because I have nowhere else for them to be.

2:45 pm: They are still painting. My anxiety can't take much more of this.

2:50 pm: Isabella spilled water on Aiden's paper. Furious tears ensued. Luckily, it didn't ruin his painting.

3:00 pm: Done painting and, you guessed it, they want more food.

4:00 pm: I had to take a nap. Stress headache, multiple anxiety attacks, no sleep. I needed a break. I let the kids have their Kindles back.

5:30 pm: Jeff gets home. The kids actually let me sleep for 1.5 hours. Thanks, Kindle babysitters. The kids want dinner. The dogs want dinner. I want a drink.

6:00 - 7:00 pm: Tub night horror show. Slamming doors, wasting water, complaining about me making them put away their own laundry. I'm not just mean. I am SUPER mean.

7:00 pm: Watching Detective Pikachu. Or pretending to, while wrestling, yelling, and eating popcorn.

9:00 pm: Running the dishwasher for the second time today. The kids are finally asleep. Jeff has passed out on the couch. Should I go to bed or watch Tiger King?

1:00 am: I am going to be dreaming about tigers for the rest of the night.

Stay heathy!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quarantine Day #6

What do you do on the weekend when you're social distancing? You read a lot of books, you bake, and you make your kids spend as much time outdoors as possible.

The boys spent a lot of time on Saturday helping Jeff with piling and cutting wood. We're preparing for more snow this week. Plans are to keep the stove pumping.

Today, they spent most of the day riding bikes. These kids love riding their bikes. They spent hours and hours. There was even a crash between Isabella and Aiden, and still they kept riding.

I'm dealing with the stress by cleaning and baking. Thankfully, the kids eat most of it.

Tomorrow, we start our first full week of remote learning. Wish us luck!!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Quarantine Day #4: School is in

8:30 am: It's snowing. Really? *sigh*

9 am: My beautiful, color-coded schedule is already out the window. I did not plan for "beginning school day" activities like checking email and doing a morning message video.

9:45 am: Finally getting started.

10 am: They need a snack break.

10:20 am: The internet is not cooperating. Nobody can get online. Frustration level: 6.

10:30 am: The kids read noisily. I can understand that with Aiden, but the other two? Read in your head.

11 am: More work. I made blueberry muffins.

12:30 pm: They expect me to feed them. Again! Grilled Nutella sandwiches are Isabella's new favorite.

2:30 pm: We are done for today except for physical activity. I'm saving that for Jeff. At this point, the only physical activity I can handle is lifting a drink. I told the kids they are only allowed to whisper from now until 3 pm.

3 pm: Snack time. Isn't this like the 50th time today they've eaten?? Half the blueberry muffins are already gone.

4:45 pm: Kicked the kids outside. Couldn't wait for Jeff. Go burn off energy! No, I don't care it's snowy. No, I am not going out with you. I'm apparently torturing them.

6 pm: Finally, last meal of the day. I'm surprised we have food left.

6:45 pm: Tub time anarchy. What's wrong with being clean?

7:35 pm: Jeff has already fallen asleep twice. I am jealous.

9 pm: After much ado about nothing, the kids are finally asleep.

I'm exhausted. Stay healthy!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Quarantine Day #3 3/18/2020

8:30 am: The children fed themselves breakfast this morning. Yogurt, cereal, snack mix, and four granola bars. Food supplies are dwindling.

9 am: Log into the kids' Google classrooms, where they were be working and learning for the next few weeks. Pretty simple. Nothing new from when we had Snow Bag Day 1. Relief is evident on all of our faces.

9:59 am: Email Isabella's teacher with the first question about her work.

10 am: The children are hungry again.

11:16 am: I email Aiden's teacher with the first of my questions about all of the stuff he has brought home. That poor woman.

11:24 am: First question answered, I send her my second question.

11:33 am: She tells me to look in a box he brought home and I find the previously missing item. Bless this woman for putting up with scatterbrained parents.

12:05 pm: Email Isabella's teacher with another question. Teachers do not get paid enough.

12:30 pm: Having bugged the teachers enough for one day, the children inform me they are hungry. Again.

1 pm: Made the children color pictures for an elderly member of our church who was in the hospital. The children inform me that I am a nice person.

3 pm: The children want to eat AGAIN. Seriously, I've fed you three times already today. We only have so much food.

4:30 pm: Daddy arrives home. The boys attack him and then run off, greetings done.

5:30 pm: Two of the children eat. The little one can't decide what he wants.

6-7 pm: I make a schedule for the children's learning. Quite pleased with it, if I do say so myself.

7 pm: The youngest finally decided he will lower himself to eat some oatmeal.

8 pm: The children are finally asleep, after much ado about brushing teeth and having to sleep in their own beds in their own rooms. They totally save the drama for their momma.

9:20 pm: This momma is about to go to bed, even though she won't fall asleep for another two hours.

Stay healthy, my loves!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Quarantine Day #1 3/16/2020

8 am: The kids let me sleep in uninterrupted. Good start to the quarantine.

9 am: After finally eating breakfast, they are entertaining themselves with electronic time.

10:30 am: The kids have wandered up from the basement to seek further nourishment. The 9 year old was upset he could not have 4 granola bars.

12:30 pm: Lunchtime. Used cookie cutters on each sandwich. Warned the kids not to expect this every day.

1 pm: Sent the boys outside for fresh air and exercise. The need to burn off energy is REAL. The girl has sequestered herself back downstairs.

1:40 pm: Outside is overrated. The boys are doing a St. Patrick's day craft. I should have stocked up on earplugs.

2:40 pm: The 9 year old wants to be an only child.  Sorry, kid, we're social distancing from the outside world, not each other.

3:25 pm: Bear has decided the kids being home all day is annoying. She has barked at nothing and wanted in/out 10,000 times.

3:55 pm: Daddy returns home from work. The kids ignore him.

4:45 pm: The boys are tired of each other but refuse to stay apart.

5 pm: Mommy realizes she forgot to get wine.

8:05 pm: Kids have been fed and cleansed. Based on the amount of food consumption by the boys today, we might not have enough food. Hopefully they fall asleep soon.

9:30 pm: After threatening to hide electronics, the children are finally asleep. I should have thought of that an hour ago. The quarantine has me off my game.

Stay tuned...

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Social Distancing - No School Starting Tomorrow

The govenor of NH has declared that all schools in NH are to be closed for the next few weeks. My kids have mixed feelings about it: we've talked some about covid 19 and they have an understanding appropriate for their ages, but they are going to miss their friends. They don't understand why we can't have a bunch of playdates or go to a movie or out to lunch. We're going to be discussing it again and again in the next weeks.

But here's what we can do. We can read books. We can do crafts and color pictures. We can bake. We can play catch outside and practice soccer goals. We can take walks and check out the wildlife. We can watch movies. Heck, we can even have some electronic time. We can have family time.

Is it going to be all sunshine and roses? If you've met my kids, you know the answer to that. 😉 But it doesn't have to be all bad. It's going to be whatever we make of it. They're will be tears (mostly mine), laughter (hopefully a ton of giggles), yelling (because there's 3 of them), and memories made.

Stay strong, village. I love you all.