Friday, March 20, 2020

Quarantine Day #4: School is in

8:30 am: It's snowing. Really? *sigh*

9 am: My beautiful, color-coded schedule is already out the window. I did not plan for "beginning school day" activities like checking email and doing a morning message video.

9:45 am: Finally getting started.

10 am: They need a snack break.

10:20 am: The internet is not cooperating. Nobody can get online. Frustration level: 6.

10:30 am: The kids read noisily. I can understand that with Aiden, but the other two? Read in your head.

11 am: More work. I made blueberry muffins.

12:30 pm: They expect me to feed them. Again! Grilled Nutella sandwiches are Isabella's new favorite.

2:30 pm: We are done for today except for physical activity. I'm saving that for Jeff. At this point, the only physical activity I can handle is lifting a drink. I told the kids they are only allowed to whisper from now until 3 pm.

3 pm: Snack time. Isn't this like the 50th time today they've eaten?? Half the blueberry muffins are already gone.

4:45 pm: Kicked the kids outside. Couldn't wait for Jeff. Go burn off energy! No, I don't care it's snowy. No, I am not going out with you. I'm apparently torturing them.

6 pm: Finally, last meal of the day. I'm surprised we have food left.

6:45 pm: Tub time anarchy. What's wrong with being clean?

7:35 pm: Jeff has already fallen asleep twice. I am jealous.

9 pm: After much ado about nothing, the kids are finally asleep.

I'm exhausted. Stay healthy!

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