Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Quarantine Day #14

8:30 am: I overslept. Never heard my alarm go off. Or Riley turned it off so they could have more Kindle time. The world  may never know.

9:00 am: Threw cereal at the kids.

10:00 am: They are begging me for a snack. They have each completed ONE assignment and we need a break?

10:30 am: Aiden is on a video call doing his reading lesson. The other two are, of course, as noisy as possible.

11 am - 12 pm: Isabella is upstairs doing a class video call and check in with her teacher. Aiden has finished for the day until we do Art. He is bored.

12 pm: Lunch. Didn't they just eat?!

12:30 pm: Riley has a video class read aloud with his teacher. Thank God his mic is muted.

1 pm: It's SNOWING. Seriously?!

2:00 pm: They are all working on their Art assignment. Apparently the Art teacher hates parents because it's a watercolor project. Paint. Bowls of water. Papers. On my pretty dining room table because I have nowhere else for them to be.

2:45 pm: They are still painting. My anxiety can't take much more of this.

2:50 pm: Isabella spilled water on Aiden's paper. Furious tears ensued. Luckily, it didn't ruin his painting.

3:00 pm: Done painting and, you guessed it, they want more food.

4:00 pm: I had to take a nap. Stress headache, multiple anxiety attacks, no sleep. I needed a break. I let the kids have their Kindles back.

5:30 pm: Jeff gets home. The kids actually let me sleep for 1.5 hours. Thanks, Kindle babysitters. The kids want dinner. The dogs want dinner. I want a drink.

6:00 - 7:00 pm: Tub night horror show. Slamming doors, wasting water, complaining about me making them put away their own laundry. I'm not just mean. I am SUPER mean.

7:00 pm: Watching Detective Pikachu. Or pretending to, while wrestling, yelling, and eating popcorn.

9:00 pm: Running the dishwasher for the second time today. The kids are finally asleep. Jeff has passed out on the couch. Should I go to bed or watch Tiger King?

1:00 am: I am going to be dreaming about tigers for the rest of the night.

Stay heathy!

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