Monday, March 16, 2020

Quarantine Day #1 3/16/2020

8 am: The kids let me sleep in uninterrupted. Good start to the quarantine.

9 am: After finally eating breakfast, they are entertaining themselves with electronic time.

10:30 am: The kids have wandered up from the basement to seek further nourishment. The 9 year old was upset he could not have 4 granola bars.

12:30 pm: Lunchtime. Used cookie cutters on each sandwich. Warned the kids not to expect this every day.

1 pm: Sent the boys outside for fresh air and exercise. The need to burn off energy is REAL. The girl has sequestered herself back downstairs.

1:40 pm: Outside is overrated. The boys are doing a St. Patrick's day craft. I should have stocked up on earplugs.

2:40 pm: The 9 year old wants to be an only child.  Sorry, kid, we're social distancing from the outside world, not each other.

3:25 pm: Bear has decided the kids being home all day is annoying. She has barked at nothing and wanted in/out 10,000 times.

3:55 pm: Daddy returns home from work. The kids ignore him.

4:45 pm: The boys are tired of each other but refuse to stay apart.

5 pm: Mommy realizes she forgot to get wine.

8:05 pm: Kids have been fed and cleansed. Based on the amount of food consumption by the boys today, we might not have enough food. Hopefully they fall asleep soon.

9:30 pm: After threatening to hide electronics, the children are finally asleep. I should have thought of that an hour ago. The quarantine has me off my game.

Stay tuned...

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