Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Babyhood is leaving

This week Aiden has decided he doesn't like the baby swing anymore. He bucks and cries when put in it. Last week we moved him into the crib because he was getting too big for the pack n play. And he's too big and squiggly for us to wash him in the shower.

We've hit the 7+ months mark. The countdown to toddler hood. He's trying to crawl, he can sit on his own (when he wants to), he eats solids, and he's trying to say Mama.

At every milestone, I am so proud of him but there is a tiny part of me that whispers last baby. Everything he does is the last time I'll witness it. So I hope he slows down! I'm in no hurry for him to grow up.

I will cherish the sweet smelling baby snuggles as long as I can.