Friday, August 6, 2010

16 more weeks!

There's only 16 more weeks until my due date, which means a little less than 15 weeks until Riley makes his appearance. I feel like there is so much to do still! I want to be organized and decorated so that it can be done. Maybe we'll make some headway this weekend. :)

He is kicking me more and more. It's a lot stronger than Isabella ever kicked. We'll see how much bigger than her he will end up being. Hopefully, not too much bigger.

I met my friend's 1.5 week old baby earlier in the week and it made me want Riley here even more! I am so excited. Excited to hold him, excited to experience all the newness again, excite to see Isabella's reaction to her baby brother. Excited all around.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's August!

Time is flying by much quicker than I anticipated. The first week of August is almost over. I am getting more and more excited to meet baby Riley.

Isabella's 18 month appointment was today. She weighs a whopping 21 pounds! She's my tiny toddler terror. LOL

Hopefully by the end of August, we will have the nursery all done. After that, it's time to repaint Isabella's room. Then we will have two pretty rooms. 3.5 more months and Riley will be here. I can't wait!