Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bella is TWO!

Ah, the Terrible Twos. That stage of whining, screaming, tantrum-throwing chaos that enters every house just before the age of two and leaves...does it leave? Bella officially entered this stage the moment we brought Riley home from the hospital. She screams, she cries, she hits, she throws fits. And then she gives a hug or a kiss, and all is better.

She officially turned two this past Saturday. We had a party and in her dress up clothes, she no longer looked like my baby. She looked like a little kid! Where did the time go? Two years ago, she was a tiny, needy newborn. Now she is a tiny, needy toddler. haha

She said "I wuvoo" today. This is going to be one of my favorite days for the rest of my life