Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dear Winter...

Dear Winter,

It's not me, it's you. It's time we parted ways. The sun is out more, the snow is melting (not that I enjoy the icy, mushy mess) so let's have no more storms, no more snow days. Let the snow melt, the grass turn green, and the flowers bloom.

Here are some reasons that I feel we need to see other people:

1. SNOW DAYS (I don't even need to say more)

2. My four year old refuses to go out in the snow to play so he has been a whiny mess with cabin fever

3. The wind is causing my baby to have bad eczema flare ups on his beautiful face

4. I miss my flip flops

5. I need sun

6. I'm tired of my kitchen floor being wet

Need I say more? I am pretty sure that is enough.

Please go back to wherever it is you hide until November or December. I might be happy to see you when the first snow falls. We'll see how much my memory has faded.


A mommy tired of winter

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Here's to the husbands that support our Luke Bryan addictions

My husband gets a gold star for today. While I was hurrying through the grocery store aisles in order to get our daughter to school on time after her two hour snow delay, he was sitting in the parking lot almost absconding with a huge Luke Bryan cutout.

His story goes like this: there he was, sitting in the can, when this guy comes out of the store carrying a carboard cutout of Luke Bryan from a SuperBowl ad. As he was about to ask the guy if he could free him of this burden he was carrying across the slushy parking lot, the guy gave him this story: this guy had seen the cutout before the SuperBowl. Having asked for it after the SuperBowl, he had come back to find someone had not gotten the memo had taken it down and destroyed it. However, the store manager had taken the guy's number, called the beer distributor, got another one, and called the guy to come give it to his wife, for Valentine's Day. Jeff said he didn't feel right stealing it from him.

So here is to my husband, who almost stole a Luke Bryan cutout, and to Mr Stranger, who is going to make his wife very happy this weekend. Bravo, gentlemen, bravo.