Monday, June 25, 2012

A boy and his wagon

This wagon and truck made my little man so happy today! Thank you, Grandma! Riley picked them both out and his grandma was more than happy to buy them for him. He then pulled them all around Ross, didn't want to give them up to the cashier to scan, and pulled them to the car...where they rode on his lap all the way home, even after he fell asleep. lol. Love this little man

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday

Last night, I watched the new season of Dallas premier on TNT with tears in my eyes.

When I was a kid, my mom was OBSESSED with Dallas, and I got to stay up late and watch it with her. I'd have chocolate milk, she'd have a Diet Coke, and we'd munch on pretzels as we cuddled up on the couch under a quilt. I didn't always understand what was happening on the show, and I thought Sue Ellen was the wicked witch and JR scared me. But I got to stay up late with my mom, just the two of us. It is one of my fondest child hood memories.

Last night, as I sat on the couch with Jeff, watching the new Dallas, I missed my mom more than I have in a long time. I wish Isabella was old enough to sit on the couch with me and watch the show, but I think three is a bit young. We'll just have to make due with the DVDs in a few years!

What's your fondest memory as a kid with your mom?