Friday, October 2, 2009

What a Week!!!

This has been a very...wierd, eventful week. It started out pretty well. Monday was just a normal day; nothing special happened. Tuesday, Isabella turned 8 months old. We went to the mall with Mandy, and I thought it was just a normal day. And then BAM! I get home, and find our Jeff has been laid off. Yeah, you read that correctly: Jeff got laid off. WTF?! So, he's pretty much spent the rest of the week applying for unemployment and updating his resume, etc.

Yesterday was my birthday. It didn't seem as special this year. Stress from the newly unemployed region sort of over shadowed the whole day. I got lectured to by a loving aunt, who was trying to help but come on, it was my birthday!! Then my friend Mandy came over, and things started to look better. She brought me my birthday gift, stayed for a little while. Brightened my day, thank you. :D When Jeff got home, he brought me roses. Seriously, people, they are the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. A bouquet of white and red roses. GORGEOUS. My godmother came over for dinner. Jeff bbq'd steak (amazing), made this potato dish that is scrumptious, shrimp cocktail. Mmmmmm. And then, he put a match in a Fudgesicle and sang Happy Birthday to me. How cute is THAT?!

Today is not a great day. I had a mini meltdown over changing the sheet for Isabella's crib. Seriously, why does that have to be so hard to do?!!!!! Anyway. I guess it just really hit me this morning that Jeff doesn't have a job anymore. I have faith in him that he will find something, but the interim is making me incredibly stressed out. And I know he is stressed out, so I am either internalizing all of my stress to keep it from him, or letting it all out on here. *Sigh*

Bright spot: we are having my bday party tomorrow. Lots of friends, ribs, bratwurst, cake. Mmmm, ice cream cake. mmmmmm

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