Saturday, October 17, 2009

What a Week!!!!!!

Wow...I think this past week has literally been the worst week I can remember in a very long time. It started last Sunday night. After the great day at the pumpkin patch, Isabella bonked her head on the coffee table. Luckily she was fine. She had developed a cough over the preceding few days and Sunday night she coughed so badly that she ended up throwing up quite a bit. We couldn't get ahold of her pediatrician, so we went to the ER. 4 excruciating hours and one nasty nurse later, we were sent home after being told she has a cold and to follow up with her doctor. So, we all got to go to bed at 2:30 am Monday morning.

Aside from being tired, I felt fine all of Monday, while Jeff felt like he was coming down with a cold. All that changed Monday night. I woke up in the middle of the night and spent the next 6 hours sick to my stomach. It was horrible. I thought morning sickness had been bad!

I basically slept all of Tuesday while Jeff took care of Isabella. He had to take her to her doctor's appointment (follow up to the ER). Her doctor said she was fine, she just had a touch of a cold. I, on the other hand, felt like I had been run over by a semi, repeatedly.

Wednesday I felt a bit better, but Jeff felt awful. Horrible cough and sore throat. So he spent most of Wednesday and Thursday in bed. Isabella seemed better. And then Thursday evening she coughed so hard she threw up again, so her pediatrician asked us to bring her in. And hour and a half of waiting in the exam room later, she tells us it's a cold and she got in a new tooth (now she has 4 on the bottom) so the combination of mucus and excess saliva made her vomit. It's normal. Thanks for making me wait so long to hear that. Sheesh.

All of felt better yesterday. And Jeff actually got a part time job doing labor yesterday! Yeah!! It's better than having no money for the next 2 weeks. This whole unemployment thing is really taking a toll.

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