Wednesday, September 2, 2009

She's Torturing Me!!!

Isabella is so cute and innocent on the outside, that it is hard to believe she is so evil inside. LOL. Just kidding. But she is seriously torturing me, which seems to be her favorite pasttime. I should have seen it coming.

She rolled over at 3 months, and did so about twenty time in two days...but refused to roll over for Daddy or Grandma or Uncle T. She, in fact, didn't roll over again for more than a month. I was beginning to think I had imagined it. But then she finally started doing it all of the time.

About a week and a half ago, she crawled for the first time. I mean, really crawled. Forward. She had been scooting around on her tummy for weeks, and then BAM! she finally got it. She even sat back on her bottom from a crawling position on her own. Jeff actually saw her do this, so I know I didn't imagine it. But she refused to do it in front of anyone else. For the past week and half, it seems like she has been trying to do it again. She gets in the correct position and rocks back and forth. She can more or less crawl backwards. But no forward motion, and no pushing herself into a sitting position. So, now I am beginning to think maybe we had imagined it, or made too much out of it. Something.

And then...yesterday I go in her room to get her up from her afternoon nap. And there is my sweet little devil...sitting up in her crib! I was so proud of her, and she was happy and giggly, and it was a wonderful moment. Thinking we've made progress, I put her on her blanket with some toys...and she throws herself down, gets on all fours...and nope. Rocks back and forth, getting frustrated when she doesn't go anywhere. *Sigh*

Why must she torture me? Why?!

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