We had a wonderful, fun weekend! Saturday was bbq day. A bunch of our friends and their kids and my aunt, enjoying an inside bbq. It started getting really windy just before everyone arrived, so Jeff bbq'd outside and we ate his awesome burgers inside. We keep a banquet table in the garage for just such occassions. The evening ended with the best downpour we have had all summer. It last for well over an hour, just pouring rain and lightning. Amazing.
Sunday morning and afternoon were just relaxing time. Isabella played in the exersaucer or on the floor while Jeff studied one of his Firefighter exam books and I watched Netflix movies online. I love that option! Especially over a long weekend where two of the days are nonmail days.
Sunday evening we picked Jeff's brother Russ up at the truck stop. He was driving a load through Tucson so he spent Sunday evening and all day yesterday with us. We hadn't seen him since our wedding in June 2008, AND he was the first person in Jeff's family to make it out here to see Isabella. He took to her, and her to him, right away. They had a lot of fun together. We took Russ to Guero's for "Sammy Dogs," which are one of Jeff's favorite things. Have you ever had a Sonoran hot dog? Well, these are two Sonoran hotdogs on one bun. They're huge. The guys ate those, I had a regular Sonoran hot dogs. Poor Isabella just got pears out of a Gerber jar. LOL.
Yesterday was pure relaxation. There was a 'Criminal Minds' marathon on A&E. I love that show! We watched it all day long. The guys cooked up some ribs, with an incredibly glaze that Russ made. Russ fell asleep on the couch and Jeff did some more studying. Isabella threw up on me. Apparently that was the highlight of her day because she giggled afterwards. Little devil. Spitting up on someone is funny to her. She always laughs afterwards. I'm just glad she was eating again, after the hectic last week of trying to get her to eat and failing (she's getting two more teeth in, at the same time. Sigh). We had to take Russ back to his truck last night, but we're very glad he could make a visit.
And now, since Jeff had yesterday off, we are in a short work week. Hopefully the weekend will get here soon. We have a fun weekend planned.
isabella wearing Uncle Russ' hat
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