Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Remote Learning Life

 We did remote learning in the Spring. I had some idea of what it would be like when we started the new school year remote. Or, I thought I did.

What I thought:

We'd have time for hearty, healthy breakfasts.

The kids would be doing assignments and have plenty of time to unwind.

The kids would be occupied so I could work and get stuff done around the house.

What reality is:

The kids eat cereal and frozen waffles almost every day.

There are so.many.meetings. Meetings all day. From 8 am to 2 pm. With a break for lunch.

Their meetings are not at the same time. Nope. Not at all. Which means their break is not the same. Which means one of the kids is always distracted and annoyed by someone else having a break. 

Some meeting times change from day to day.

Isabella's schedule is so much different from the boys. 

I get nothing done. Nothing. I oversee the boys all day long. Aiden needs help getting to meetings. Riley needs help staying on task. There is no working. Our house is...not where I want it to be.

I am on them all the time. Go to this meeting. Work on this assignment. Yes, you can go to the bathroom. No, it's not time for snack. Yes, you have to do math today. 

By the time Jeff gets home every night, I am exhausted and stressed and the kids don't want to be around me anymore. Honestly, the feeling is mutual. I crave silence. No more voices. Don't talk to me for an hour.

I know we're going to get through it. This was the best choice for our family. But man, it's rough. 

Send chocolate. Send alcohol. Send hugs.

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