Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What a weekend!

Most weekends around here involve some sort of working on the house/Jeff doing a side job on Saturday and then church on Sunday. With the three day Memorial Day weekend, I figured we'd have a little more fun than usual. I got more than I bargained for.

Saturday, we had friends from out of town over for dinner. Mandy and Ray used to live here but are currently in New Mexico before relocating to Missouri. We saw them the first weekend of May in New Mexico and then they came to Tucson for the weekend. Dinner was good; the kids played and got along. Jeff and Ray got along well, too...with tall boys, home-brew and So Co! Hilarity ensued. It's been a long time since I have seen Jeff have that much fun. He needs to have more fun like that! 

For a few days now, Jeff's mouth has been hurting. He could barely eat on Saturday; Sunday it felt a little better; Monday he was in a lot of pain and could barely talk. We managed to take the kids for a bike ride and enjoy a rare day of sunshine with not 100 degree heat. But then he came home and needed to take a nap. When he got up (almost 3 hours later), he looked awful. I knew something was wrong but he kept telling me he was fine. So fine in fact, that he decided to go to the ER because he was having trouble swallowing. Yeah, he was fine. :P 

He apparently had an abscess and it was causing all of the pain. It burst while he was waiting for the doctor. Thankfully, nothing too serious. He is on antibiotics now and is feeling so much better. I think I lost five years of my life, though. 

So, sick husband, friends from out of town, three kids under four running around, Tucson heat. Aside from the friends being over part, we can skip that kind of weekend next year, thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that Jeff is better now and that it was nothing to serious. Sounds like an eventful weekend.
