Wednesday, May 23, 2012

When did my baby girl become a big kid??

Isabella has been going to school for about three months now. First, two days a week; two weeks ago, she started going five days a week. Every day up until this week, there has been a flurry of eighteen hugs and fourteen kisses, she has to hug Riley twice, she has to say "I love you" two or three times. Every. Until Monday. It happened: I had to ASK my baby girl for a hug! She still gave it willingly, but I had to ASK. My mommy pride is crushed at the same time that I am so ecstatic that she loves it that much there. She has a friend. She has projects. She EATS. She NAPS. She goes on the potty every.single.time. Where did my baby go??

I love hearing about her day. Her school is in a home, four houses down from us. I usually go pick her up alone because I love the two minute walk back to our house where she speed talks me through her day. Mommy, we painted! Mommy, we played outside! Mommy, I ate ALL my lunch! Mommy, I got a sticker!" I love the sound of her voice, as she tells me every moment of her day from the moment I left her at school. She is so excited about her day and everything she did; and her teacher tells me how she is one of the smartest kids (and she is the youngest three year old).

But she is a little girl now. There's no baby left...until she is sleeping, curled up with her lovey or her dolly. Then I can still get a glimpse of my baby girl. <3

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