All day long, all I could think about was how much longer until I picked Isabella up at school. Until I could have her home with me, where I knew she was safe.
I spent extra time with Riley today. Snuggled on the couch, watching Winnie the Pooh. Slipped him an extra animal cracker (have you tried those organic ones from Costco? Yummy!). Stroked his head with extra tenderness.
Tonight, Isabella and I snuggled on the couch and watched Tinkerbell The Secret of the Wings. She snuggled up under my arm on the couch, under the quilt. Every once in awhile, she would look at me and say "Guess how much I love you, Mommy?" "How much, Bella?" "More than mushrooms!" My silly girl.
I paid more attention to everything today. To the way Riley says "Choo choo" for every train he has. The way he puts my hand on his belly to give him a belly rub. Today, he carried his blankey, lovey, blanket, Scout, Winnie the Pooh, and a train with him everywhere. To the sweet way Isabella played with Riley this evening. To the sweet way she sings. To the way she put her baby to bed and told Riley and me to "Shh, my baby is asleep!"
I hugged them a few extra times. I gave them a couple of extra kisses. I inhaled their scent before bed. And I thanked my lucky stars that my babies are safe.
Isabella and I prayed for the victims and their families tonight. She asked what happened to them, and I told her a bad man hurt them. She said he needs a time out. I wish my life was that simple.
Hug your babies
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